Hi Christina,
I am 29. I am currently considering starting the process of a formal diagnosis... I have only recently discovered I have aspergers, and am shocked by how much of myself I recognise in other adult females... To be honest I'm amazed I got through life undiagnised this far!
When I was younger I used to get my hand slapped and ever since then I'd thought I had stopped myself. But despite m belief that I'd stopped myself my partner assures me I have always constantly played with my fingers. I'll let you know some of the stuff I do... Although I'm not sure what counts as a stim and what doesn't!
I make very fast walking movements with my index and middle fingers... The fingers have to brush each other! When I'm thinking during speech this can be the whole hand, David lynch style, up near my cheek.
When I'm happy I bend my arms and lift my hands up to shoulder height and basically wriggle and shake my hands...usually whilst squeeling. This is usually in private, doing a dance...
In public I clap, but if you watch even NTs do this sometimes, especially groups of young females.
When content I make like a single note...erm... Kind of like a monk might. Something about the hum. I don't know!
When frustrated I flick my fingers.
I also talk to myself, sometimes for hours depending on what's on my mind and what issues I'm working through.
I'll leave it there. But I hope that gives you an idea of what others do, especially adult females. I'll also say that since allowing myself to do this, more in private, but the discreet ones in public, I am SO much calmer, happier and able to cope and focus with over stimulation, especially sensory.