I have a family and I really look forward to times when I can be home alone. I do NEED more alone time than I get.
I used to live alone and thrived, but did occasionally get quite lonely, so the memory of that keeps me appreciating my family, even though sometimes I struggle with the constancy of their presence.
I think an 80-90% alone time to 10-20% company time would be best for me. I find that if I get enough of a break from socializing, that I can actually enjoy it when I do it, but without enough of a break, I dread it and get quite stressed out.
Being around the distraction of others is tiring. For me, it feels like playing mental tennis, non-stop, and it feel like it is imposed on me, and I am not allowed to rest to have time to recuperate, to finish the thoughts that are trying to be 'thunk' in my head. If it goes on for too long, I can get angry and resentful that people won't leave me alone.
My family can drive me nuts, but they do back off a bit at times because I think they know I need it. I have explained to them that I will take my anger out on them without meaning to, and it will be because I get so stressed out, so please wait until whenever, and I will do whatever. They usually put up with my 'moods', by avoiding me until the storm blows over.
They are awesome.