Verdandi wrote:
Callista wrote:
AS wasn't dropped; it was merged with the rest of the spectrum.
Mild AS usually doesn't make you eligible for disability because you can still work. And if you can work, why in the world would you want to try to get SSI? It's below the poverty line, you don't get anything fun, ever. You get to eat and have shelter. That's pretty much it. Every day you wonder if you're going to get chucked out onto the street. Why anyone would want that kind of life, except to escape starving to death, is beyond me.
If you ever do get anything fun, people will endlessly criticize you for spending your SSI money on frivolous things.
Yeah. And you'll criticize yourself, too, because you'll know that you really shouldn't be spending sSI money on anything but what you need to stay alive... even though it was just a $7 paperback book and it just means you'll be eating a couple more meals of ramen this month than usual... because our whole lives we've been told that it's badwrong to take charity, even if you need it, and that that $7 paperback is probably worth what you paid in terms of morale and stress relief. You still feel like you should never ever spend anything on something you won't die without.
When I donate food to the food pantry, I always try to bring some "frivolous" things... Boxes of hot chocolate on one occasion, I remember; coffee and tea; good marmalade instead of cheap grape jelly; animal crackers for the kids. The kinds of things that make you feel like a human instead of a charity case. I think if you have to go to a food pantry, you should at least get the kind of encouragement that comes from a decent cup of coffee or a giraffe-shaped cracker. Naturally the staples are more important than those sorts of things...
And still, even with that belief, I feel like if I spend money on things that I don't strictly need--balls of yarn for my crochet projects, or an extra cat toy--I'm somehow being bad. Cheating. That I'm not allowed any more than the bare minimum. That somehow, because I'm disabled, I'm not allowed to have any fun.