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26 Jun 2013, 7:12 pm

Did not read the whole thread but just wanted to add I am very bad with names.

Tufted Titmouse
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26 Jun 2013, 8:09 pm

I can't remember names but faces i don't forget if im sitting on the subway across from someone for a bit or someone is held up at the checkout and then they later walk past my in the street i remember them.


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27 Jun 2013, 1:54 am

nebrets wrote:
Names (and jargon, and math formulas) are VERY difficult for me to remember and repetition does not always help.

Ugh, math formulas. I hate trying to remember math formulas. I can do various geometry calculations if either the concept is very simple, or if I have a reference on what the formulas are - otherwise, I'm likely to be lost.

Similar with programming: I can understand the concepts well, and can usually remember what I can do with various commands, but I may need to keep detailed notes on some of the names for commands, and especially the syntax. Thankfully most keywords are fairly to remember, but every once in awhile I have to check back.

I generally can remember movie dialogue and song lyrics with little trouble. This is the only reason I know things like how to calculate the area of a circle, or pi to the 5th decimal. I still have to reference portions of the alphabet song often when using alphabetical order, and various School House Rock songs for various times tables.

There was one class where I was able to pretty well learn who had what name, but that was just because I passed out sheets that students would use as their roll, and to keep track of progress. Even then it was partly dependent on who sat where (we had assigned seats), and two people were similar enough in appearance that I was pretty lost on which one was which. I have since forgotten most of the names.


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27 Jun 2013, 2:19 am

I am really bad with names, too. I had a very embrassing experience with it at school: I was in two corses with the same girl. In one course I sat next to her for about half a year but in the other course when I wanted to tell her something and to call her name, I was wrong! :oops: It was terrible for me. I just knew who she was, could tell that she was in the other course, but didn´t know the name. When I came in a new class it took a very long time to remember all my class mates and their names.
This means I am probably better in remembering faces and can say that I know a person but I never know who they are. But sometimes I also don´t know someone when I see the face. Then I don´t have see the person very often. But a few days ago I recognized that the voices of people help me. I met a woman I haven´t seen for a longer time but when she started to speak I exactly knew who she was.

English is not my native language. So it is possible that there are mistakes in my posts. Please correct me, I´m still learning.


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27 Jun 2013, 2:35 am

No, names are easy for me. It's faces I have problems with.

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27 Jun 2013, 7:02 am

Oh yeah, this is a big one for me. I mentioned on a previous post how I cannot remember the names of my friend’s daughters even though I’ve known them for ten years.

It caused me many problems in the Army. I could not remember a couple guys for some reason. I finally got the idea to use an identifier. One of them wore an unusual watch, so I would look for that watch and was able to identify who he was.

The most troubling incident of “face-blindness” was the night our Executive Officer came into the barracks. I was standing “fire watch” (some may know what that is if you’ve ever served) and he walked in. For the life of me, I could not put a name to the face nor fully recognized who he was. Had he been in uniform I would have seen the nametag, but he was in civvies. The face, voice, everything was the same, but I could not remember him. I didn’t get in trouble, but he did seem puzzled I did not recognize who he was. I was just as puzzled.

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27 Jun 2013, 8:51 am

I have trouble remembering names. If it's really important I'll take the time to repeat the person's name in my head several times to try to get it to stick.
But I forget a lot. Often it's people I know well and I want to name them but the name is not there when I try to recall it.

I'm bad at remembering faces but I do remember tone of voice, general physique, gestures and haircuts that help me recall the situation in which I previously met them.

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27 Jun 2013, 10:27 am

numbers are easy. words are easy. names i'm terrible with. i've been a research lab this summer and i still don't know the names of most of my labmates. i can identify all by face (which would suggest i have few to no problems with prosopagnosia) but have no titular understanding of who these people are (and it's not that i've forgotten their names; it that i never learned them to begin with even though they've obviously been said in my presence).

i manage in the same way you could still play chess without calling a bishop a bishop, a rook a rook, or a pawn a pawn. it's always puzzled me, though. i guess i'm just not wired to remember details about people, though i have pretty good recall for numbers and mathematical notation.


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27 Jun 2013, 12:11 pm

I'm "horrible", at just generally identifying people. It took me until literally the end of the year, to be able to distinguish classmates, and remember their names. It's nearly 7 months into the new year, and I still haven't "memorised" the names of the new people/their faces.


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27 Jun 2013, 6:07 pm

Iam sure I was ok remembering names when I was at school, but as an adult, Iam hopeless, especially were I work there are about 10,000 people, and they all seem to know my name, Ive worked with people for 13 years there and still only know a few names.

Every day its, "Hi Nambo" and I reply back, "Hi", Iam sure they must suspect I don't know their names.


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27 Jun 2013, 7:50 pm

I am terrible with nouns. In one ear and out the other.

Blue Jay
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27 Jun 2013, 9:23 pm

I am horrible when it comes to remembering names. Someone can tell me their name a dozen times and I'd still not know it. Heck, I don't even know what my kids middle names are.


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28 Jun 2013, 4:01 pm

I can remember faces pretty well. But names? I have the WORST time remembering names. It is actually quite embarrassing 8O . Sometimes I will forget the name of someone who I see quite regular.