Juarez as a whole is a sh*thole filed with crooked cops, cartels, rape, and murders. The place is a warzone, death is a part of war, and after a while people become "complacent" to a certain degree.
Imagine your local police dealing with a civil war within a city; further imagine these men being threatened that their family will be harmed if they "don't look the other way".-This does not leave much time for "traditional" police work and considering the fact the detective "on the case" knows if he busts the wrong person he or his family members will be raped, maimed, tortured, or killed is it that hard to imagine why there may be so many unsolved murders?
These 400 women only scratch the surface to what is really going on down there, most of which is occurring because idiots in the whitehouse want to outlaw plants that kill no one so the members of the ATF can keep their jobs.
Like it or not, dumbass laws in America created many of the terrorist problems in the world. The war on drugs has been lost; we need to wakeup!