Basic direction for the org.- what to do with money raised.
Melanie wrote:
These are just suggestions for the direction I feel the could take, so if anyone can improve on them feel free. Lets get some ideas going here!
Money raised: once the cost of running the site (hosting, etc) are covered the rest of the money is put into a kitty. All people running the site do some on a voluntary basis (obviously this may change if it gets big and a lot of time is needed for the organisation, but I think that with a good team in place this won't be necessary). The rest of the money would be used for grants that people with AS can apply for for things that will help them improve their life in some way- e.g. help towards the cost of books for college, help towards a deposit so they can rent their own place, help towards the cost of getting an official dx, etc.
How these grants are actually awarded is something that we need to consider- to start with I think that applications could be looked at by a team of members who will decide how much we can afford to give applicants. These are only going to be small grants to start with, but I think that if we can help more people in small ways it will be better than aiming for the huge projects right away.
How to raise the moneyMelanie wrote:
People can sell their art, writing, music, skills, etc through the site. When they sell something a % of the sale price (not including shipping) is paid to into the site fund- this will be a minimum of 10% but of a member wants to give more they can.
We can also have a donate button on site.
Also it might be worth looking into putting links to shopping sites up (like amazon does)- the ones where if people click on the link on here and then buy something from the other site a % of the sale is paid to the site.
Ebooks- we could offer cheap ebooks (or booklets) to members produced by other members, these would be a very reasonable price and I feel that members may be happy to donate these ebooks to the site for free (but we can look at these in individual terms). I would be happy to submit something for free for this.
As a 'bigger' project we could also look at producing a book to submit to publishers- perhaps those who were interested in taking part could write a chapter each on their experiences of life with AS.
Right- I think that's long enough- other comments and ideas please
And of course there is this thread that began it all ... pic&t=1882
I would like others to start posting their views on this please. Be it for it or against it.