Number 2 wouldn't offend me. I like (honest) people telling me that I'm normal in some ways and that I am able to blend in and be approachable. The only implication I don't like is, ''you haven't got Asperger's, you're just weird!'' That is an insult. It's a bit like telling someone with problems with their spine, ''your spine is not deformed, you're just a spaz!'' So offensive and upsetting.
I don't like people telling me to be proud of having Asperger's though. Not after all these issues it has caused me in my life. And I especially don't like people convincing me to be proud of having it by saying, ''it does not mean you are stupid'', or start giving me a list of successful people who had Asperger's. That's because I know I am not a genius, I'm only an average intellect. I prefer to hang out with friends than to sit and study. Unfortunately friends are hard to come by when you have Asperger's, which is a big disappointment.
And the maths/science/computers thing really annoys me too. When my computer goes wrong, I don't have a clue of what to do, and there is not another Aspie around who can come round. Instead my NT cousin or my NT brother or my NT uncle or an NT friend comes round and fixes it, and could fix it just as good as an Aspie with good computer skills could. Also I was in the lowest classes for maths and science when I was at school. I am not particularly amazing at anything really.
I went to mainstream school all through my school life, but when I first went on unemployment benefit when I was 18, I saw a disability employment adviser and she immediately assumed I went to a special school without even asking me. She messed my CV (resumé) up because of it, and I had to phone them up and say that I went to mainstream school, so she had to change it. Also I can work. I have a job now and I'm OK.
I do come from a family who are afraid of ridicule (which is probably where I get that fear from aswell). I feel that I am ''not allowed'' to have Asperger's when I'm out in public, according to my family. They don't like the thought of us being gossiped about or people calling me a looney or something. I don't blame them. I don't wish for that either, but they are lucky that I'm mild enough to be responsible for all my actions.
I get really, REALLY offended when people (NT or not) think that people with disabilities aren't really people and are aliens instead. I hate being called ''an alien on the wrong planet'' or whichever way round it is. I am a person, a human, with just a slightly different brain wiring. I am still just as human as the next person.
I've only heard of Temple Grandin here on WP. I don't exactly know who he or she is and what he or she does. It's just a name I see everywhere on Autism forums. I should look it up some time.
And lastly (sorry to go on), I absolutely hate it when people go to ask me something like begin as, ''do you...?'' then look at the person next to me and say, ''does she..................?'' Hello? I can answer, I am not deaf!