I am very low on affective empathy. I only feel it for the very few people I love, and animals.
I have way more empathy for fictional characters than I do people I know but don't love; a good book, game, series or movie can make me emotional.
As a few have pointed out already, the train/plane/car gets more emotions from me than its passengers. Seeing the wreckage is sad.
Since the train crash in Spain came up; I don't feel empathy for those affected, but I feel a huge amount of anger towards that locomotive engineer who loved speed and went somewhere between 190 km/h and 220 km/h around a bend where the speed limit was 80 km/h. Because he was reckless and intentionally went almost triple the speed limit, 80 people had to die. That ticks me off. Same as how idiots who drink and drive and/or speed often end up killing someone else and get off scot free themselves. That makes me furious. But I can't say I feel sorry for their victims, just anger at the perpetrator.
On very rare occasions I can feel for someone I don't know well or a stranger, but it's a rare occurrence.