Would a therapist really help me? I am skeptical.
First therapy then military:
depending on the therapist's interpretation of the law. S/he may report you if you share both your cconditions/issues and the fact that you intend to join the military. Withholding said information is technically illegal (a federal offense), iirc punishable by up to 5 years in prison for each paper you sign regarding each condition/issue. And therapists are required to report plans to violate laws, iirc. So. . . Be prepared for the risk. That said, IF you find a good one, yes.
how do know you can take the stress and politics of the full military experience if you haven't gone through it? During basic training, we had a depressed fellow slit his wrists. During AIT, I was constantly challenged by fellows who had been squad leaders in basic, but found themselves under my command because of my rank. At my first duty station, I discovered that the politics of power and authority only worsened, with low ranking enlisted prostituting themselves out to squadron and duty commanders, first sgts. etc. in exchange for favoritism or favorable assignments, etc. Those of us who weren't willing to trade sex for consideration or protection had to compete for the leftover opportunities, which were few and far between. Add AS, depression, and other issues to that environment and you have potential for disaster. Add the personality quirks from AS and you become a target of abuse and discrimination.
There is a reason such issues are grounds for disqualification for military service. Believe it or not, they are for your protection also.
Bonnie, The Boxer, ~2005/2006 - October 26th 2013
We love you always Bonnie. Bless God as you have blessed us.
I have had some pretty useless ones but then again, nobody knew I was Aspie. Since you know you are you might have much better resources and choices. Shop around because there are some great ones out there. I had to learn to cope without them so it can be done but if you can get a good therapist to help you I think that would be a very good thing.