Why so much opposition to curing Aspergers?

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Snowy Owl
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30 Jan 2007, 11:53 pm

etg1701 wrote:
asperger's isn't a disease. it's a syndrome. the two are completely different. A disease has a known specific cause or causes (called its etiology), wheres a syndrome is a collection of signs or symptoms that occur together.

Fine, technically true, though a syndrome is hardly better than a disease so it's a trivial distinction from a sufferer.

Yeah, but having AS isn't a variable. The hypothetical cure would be nice, but the day we have that is the day that we're going to be able to re-wire people's brains and that's going to present a whole new set of problems. The question of whether or not you "want" a "cure" is less about whether or not you support science pursuing a cure and more about whether or not you've accepted yourself, I think. And for me, life's a lot less painful when you do,.

I am not fond of mincing words, so I will be blunt here: accepting myself would be stupid. I have less than nothing as it stands and by all accounts would be better off having nothing at all.

What exactly do you mean by having nothing? Tell your story. We'll listen. We promise.


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31 Jan 2007, 12:02 am

etg1701 wrote:
I am not fond of mincing words, so I will be blunt here: accepting myself would be stupid. I have less than nothing as it stands and by all accounts would be better off having nothing at all.

I know the feeling. Believe me. But there must be some part of you that thinks, from your unique vantage point, that you've seen and noticed rules and signs that no one else can see that would benifit you if you knew how to use them. That's why you can't ever have nothing.


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31 Jan 2007, 12:06 am

I'd rather keep my smarts and logic :wink:

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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31 Jan 2007, 12:10 am

'd rather keep my smarts and logic

Who says intelligence and logic go hand in hand with Aspergers? I am of average intelligence and not particularly logical and there are many geniuses and logicians who are not autistic at all.

I know the feeling. Believe me. But there must be some part of you that thinks, from your unique vantage point, that you've seen and noticed rules and signs that no one else can see that would benifit you if you knew how to use them. That's why you can't ever have nothing.

I said I had less than nothing. By that, I mean that even death would be an improvement over my current situation (and if I were as logical as most Aspergers sufferers, I would take it, as well).


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31 Jan 2007, 12:16 am

Etg1701 what treatments have you tried? What are the issue your
having problems with?


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31 Jan 2007, 12:26 am

there is no cure to oppose.

I'm Alex Plank, the founder of Wrong Planet. Follow me (Alex Plank) on Blue Sky: https://bsky.app/profile/alexplank.bsky.social


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31 Jan 2007, 12:46 am

I would say your problem is not with asperger's syndrome and more with depression. You seem to be in a downwards spiral of thought. Nothing is good enough and you're looking for that miracle pill or toad's oil. I'd even go as far to say that you would be WORSE OFF if you were an NT.)

Let me explain. You expect that if you were normal, you wouldnt have any problems, or at least as many as you do now, right? But you forget that circumstances and scenarios change with different variables. You may not have a speech impediment or lack social skills(if these are some of the problems you have), but that doesnt mean you would be perfect either. Everyone has thier problems.

You need to realize that life is what it is and you can only change so much. You seem to want a fairy tale where everyone is on a fair playing field. Do you also want one religion to be supreme. Or how about one form of politics. Sure it would make the world a lot less confrontational, but it would also steal what diversity gives us. And you seem to believe you have nothing to give to the world. Have you ever tried to develop a talent/skill? Maybe the problem isnt that you have AS. Maybe its your attitude and perspective on life?


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31 Jan 2007, 1:31 am

Unknown wrote:
If i didn't have AS,i would be typical NT hoodsta street-trash and if
redmage,starbuline,tinky,shadesofme,spacecase and all the other AS girls were NT,they would be total sluts who whore themselves to jocks.

I hear you on that one Unknown.


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31 Jan 2007, 1:35 am

Because I don't think it would help, and I feel I might be somehow be forced into it if a cure was found.


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31 Jan 2007, 1:46 am

I don't want a 'cure'. I mean, being an Aspie isn't so bad...

Snowy Owl
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31 Jan 2007, 1:51 am

Would you guys who keep talking about not wanting to be cured, get beyond yourselves and listen to what etg1701 has to say?! !

No wonder its become utterly commonplace to label people with AS as unempathic.

Look, etg, whenever you want to, or if you want to tell us at wrongplanet about what led you to the emotional place you're in, I'll be more than willing to listen and respond. As an aspie, I may not always understand where it is exactly you're coming from, but I care deeply enough to make a substantial, consistent and genuine effort. If I misinterpret something you say, just tell me, and I'll change my interpretation of it to your own.

But if you don't want to feel like you have less than nothing, you've gotta talk to someone, you've gotta reach out. i mean, YOU ONLY GET ONE LIFE! You just have to make the most of the deck you've been dealt or everythings going to be bleak. It's cliche but cliches are never cliches if they are too true to begin with.

So, again, I can't make you do anything. But if you need somebody to chat with online, you can PM me, or you can respond to this forum. Whenever you're ready and willing, of course.

But just think about what I and emolaljay6 have said.

Take Care


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31 Jan 2007, 1:58 am

trent wrote:
Would you guys who keep talking about not wanting to be cured, get beyond yourselves and listen to what etg1701 has to say?! !

We don't care about what etg1701 has to say. We don't need a cure, so you can both get over yourselves. :evil:


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31 Jan 2007, 2:18 am

Go up to a group of large, rough-looking black men and ask them whether they'd like to be 'cured' and made white. Tell us if you didn't get the s**t kicked out of you. Asperger's isn't a disease to be eradicated, we're people and ought to be treated as such. A little tolerance goes a long way as we can play a valuable role in the community. :)


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31 Jan 2007, 2:21 am

I agree with you Tequila. :D

Snowy Owl
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31 Jan 2007, 2:48 am

I said this before, say it again, I am NOT pro-eugenics. I feel that people with Autism and AS should be appreciated for their strengths and receive accomodations for their challenges. This is NOT about cure! The guy is depressed!! ! Don't you respond to that?! I know that was an overgeneralization, and that there were a couple of people who responded to 1701's depression, but most of y'all were too worried about your anti-cure stance to really take into account WHY he was making those statements and what led him to draw his conclusions about AS. Thus, you failed to help him. Hey, I don't know if I'm doing too good a job helping him myself , but at least I'm trying! And I am certain that at least almost everybody on WP has the ability to feel deep compassion and a deep desire to understand where someone is coming from. But the media, the psychtrist, they tell us where incapable of this, and we buy into it, and we destroy ourselves by doing it.

But before you verbally lynch me, just ask yourselves, when you first were diagnosed with AS, when you were bullied mercilessly by people who were so warm towards everyone else but you, when (and if) your parents put you through regiments to eradicate your condition, weren't there moments where you just wanted to be like everyone else? Weren't there moments where you were just dying to experience the joys and security of not having otherwise friendly kids mutliate you every day? I'm against a cure, and there were many times where I've felt this way.

Look, I apologize for playing social worker, but alex, as the administrator you, and your users have got to, at least make an attempt to be more sensitive to peoples emotions, because pro-or anti cure, neuro-typically or neuro-divegently inclined, the life of Aspie, although it may be very rewarding and productive, is not an easy one. At least not in this world, in this day and age, not until we, as aspies, work to dispel these wretched stereotypes of us "lacking genuine humanity for others". What I just mentioned is not true, and its up to us to prove to the world its not true. However, thats not going to happen if we ignore peoples feelings.. But, hey, this forum, this is for fun, and discussion and shared experience being Aspie and all of that, but it's also for learning from our social and emotional mistakes. Its also for listening and attempting to understand others viewpoints and why they have the viewpoints they do. Its just that with all of the negative media attention and the appalingly callous treatment most aspies receive from the world, it makes it that much more difficult to take part in getting to understand one another's feelings and viewpoints. Becasue NTs don't expect us to understand ourselves, let alone them! We have to prove them wrong! We have to prove to them that our experience of humans is just as valid as theirs.

But we're only going to be able to do this, if we start practicing and attempting empathy on Wrong Planet.


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31 Jan 2007, 3:05 am

Sorry I got angry. I tend to get mad about the smallest of things. :(