I said this before, say it again, I am NOT pro-eugenics. I feel that people with Autism and AS should be appreciated for their strengths and receive accomodations for their challenges. This is NOT about cure! The guy is depressed!! ! Don't you respond to that?! I know that was an overgeneralization, and that there were a couple of people who responded to 1701's depression, but most of y'all were too worried about your anti-cure stance to really take into account WHY he was making those statements and what led him to draw his conclusions about AS. Thus, you failed to help him. Hey, I don't know if I'm doing too good a job helping him myself , but at least I'm trying! And I am certain that at least almost everybody on WP has the ability to feel deep compassion and a deep desire to understand where someone is coming from. But the media, the psychtrist, they tell us where incapable of this, and we buy into it, and we destroy ourselves by doing it.
But before you verbally lynch me, just ask yourselves, when you first were diagnosed with AS, when you were bullied mercilessly by people who were so warm towards everyone else but you, when (and if) your parents put you through regiments to eradicate your condition, weren't there moments where you just wanted to be like everyone else? Weren't there moments where you were just dying to experience the joys and security of not having otherwise friendly kids mutliate you every day? I'm against a cure, and there were many times where I've felt this way.
Look, I apologize for playing social worker, but alex, as the administrator you, and your users have got to, at least make an attempt to be more sensitive to peoples emotions, because pro-or anti cure, neuro-typically or neuro-divegently inclined, the life of Aspie, although it may be very rewarding and productive, is not an easy one. At least not in this world, in this day and age, not until we, as aspies, work to dispel these wretched stereotypes of us "lacking genuine humanity for others". What I just mentioned is not true, and its up to us to prove to the world its not true. However, thats not going to happen if we ignore peoples feelings.. But, hey, this forum, this is for fun, and discussion and shared experience being Aspie and all of that, but it's also for learning from our social and emotional mistakes. Its also for listening and attempting to understand others viewpoints and why they have the viewpoints they do. Its just that with all of the negative media attention and the appalingly callous treatment most aspies receive from the world, it makes it that much more difficult to take part in getting to understand one another's feelings and viewpoints. Becasue NTs don't expect us to understand ourselves, let alone them! We have to prove them wrong! We have to prove to them that our experience of humans is just as valid as theirs.
But we're only going to be able to do this, if we start practicing and attempting empathy on Wrong Planet.