vanhalenkurtz wrote:
Not me. Cats, wired to kill small (often baby) defenseless creatures just for kicks, are the sociopaths of the animal kingdom. Just a little larger & they'd be ripping limbs off of your children just to pass the time.
I dunno...
That one's not fully grown yet, but even adult servals get along nicely with humans of all ages, even if they're a lot higher maintenance than a standard felis catus.
Adult serval with human:
I guess even the most compulsive predators tend to learn (by natural selection, if nothing else) that seeing humans as prey tends to shorten one's life expectancy considerably.
For that matter, are human hunters sociopaths of the animal kingdom? They rarely kill for anything other than sport (and maybe bonus, rather than essential, meat), at least in the first world. I don't take issue with that, personally, as long as they're somewhat responsible about it.