like jet builder i have had every single one of these said to me. i too, am asexual as ive neither interest nor desire for sex..
jetbuilder wrote:
"You need a girlfriend."
"You need to get laid!" (I'm asexual)
er no thanks ive neither the appetite desire nor interest. worst thing that could poss happen in my view
"You're so quiet."
yes? and? next question?
"You should talk more!"
hmph. its up to me when i wanna talk thanks
"You just need to come out of your shell."
thats your opinion if you cant hack me you know where to go.
"Can I help you?" (at a store)
if i needed help - id ask for it
"Come out to a bar with us!" (Especially when they keep asking after I decline)
"You know, you don't need to stay in your room all of the time."
no - but i want to - was my teens it was my only solice against bullying as were books
"Are you sure?" (when I decline an offer of something)
yes if i wasnt perfectly sure i would of told you so, or no.
its not easy making friends when your hobbies 'unusual for your age' like mine (reading, computers, music photography and cross stitch. ive no interest in parties and wheni left school severed all ties with school bar one friend who drigfted her own way awa y from me anyway with no explanation. she was NT.
another is "eh your speaking goobledygook i dont understand your logic' when from brain to my mouth its perfectly logical and doesnt help the fact i use advanced words and know what they mean and in what context so i sound dumb when i dont understand whats being asked of me or dont understand cues from their eyes r face. to me i dont understand NTs logic- why 'go AROUND the bush' trying to temper peoples feelings in something sensitive topic when you can go straight through it and get to the point. even if that does mean hurting their feelings
oh and another is "oh for gods sake for someone who doesnt understand social communication your too bloody sensitive. dont take things so personally" well alot of things can be conveyedby tone of voice that we cant see in the face
makes argh sometimes. but the good side is im very organised and planning ahead down to the minutest detail yet they cant understand why i cant 'see the big picture'. well if you draw me the big picuture than ill see it but i cant imagine it.