I have an apparently odd sense of humour that I cannot quite understand myself.
After some amount of dissection I find a lot of it relates to the ridiculousness of personification of inanimate objects.
For example, I find phrases such as "The lift, of course, just has to stop on every single floor", or "It looks like it wants to rain but cannot really decide when to" as absolutely hilarious. Why? I believe it is the personification of weather and inanimate objects.
Often I find words that others take as they are, as having hilarious contradictions in them.
If you pardon the example from a non-English language, but the Japanese word 技量 (giryo), for example. Literally it means ability or competency. If you look at the characters it literally says "technique amount". The hilarious part to me, which is apparently esoteric, is the fact that this particular word meaning "amount" has the suggestion of non-quantifiability (although not strictly used so). So for example, like an amount of water, or an amount of pudding, or amount of air. Whereas techniques are obviously separate, quantifiable entities. Somehow treating them as a non-quantifiable 'amount' is ridiculously funny to me.
These kind of subtle contradictions make me laugh ridiculously whereas most around me, even upon explanation, do not quite get it.
I am not sure if this is a side effect of Aspergers or just a peculiar view of the world.