Joe90 wrote:
Loneliness can cause depression. It has for me. And yes, depression can be a mental illness. My depression comes in bouts, and last week I had a terrible attack of depression. Nothing in particular started it off, it just came upon me and I began feeling worthless and even suicidal, and I just wanted to quit work and lie in bed getting myself lost in films all day every day, and maybe going out and socialising whenever I feel like it. But I knew that if I did that, I would just be letting myself down.
Depression is making me not want to go to work, though. I am not being lazy. I just don't feel comfortable with the idea of having to be somewhere, and being told when to eat and so on. I'd sooner do voluntary work, even 5 or 6 days of the week, but I can't because I need to earn money, so I am trying my hardest to stick at my job, until I can find another job what I really want to do.
Special interests help an awful lot with depression. Doing things what you enjoy and makes you happy is good for anyone who suffer with depression, so it is especially ideal for Aspies who suffer with depression. My special interest/enjoyment is buses, and I know it may sound crazy, but I really want to work somewhere where I need to get a bus to. I like getting buses, so it might motivate me more to come to work. I am familiar with a lot of the drivers and most of them are friendly, and I like seeing which driver will be driving it today and sometimes I have a little chat with them before I get off. To other people that sounds daft, but to me it's what I like. The job I'm in now is local, which is good, but I want to get a bus to a job. I'm sorry, I just do. It's the only thing that might help with my depression, without having to go on meds.
That doesn't sound daft. I have/had a huge interest in computers and during times of depression, the only thing that got me to work was the fact that there were computers there and I could do things on/to them that I couldn't do at home. Computers have been a Special Interest of mine for a long long while - so I don't think it sounds crazy at all that catching a bus could be good incentive to go to a job where you need to catch a bus to. I've proven Special Interests can be good motivators for all sorts of things - even living.
Perhaps you and bumble should get together. You both live in the same country (albeit a rather large one), you're both a similar age and you both have buses connected to your special interests.
You made me think - I've been rather lazy in the studying of my special interest lately although I'm collecting masses and masses of literature and reading about it literally 24/7 (waking hours of course) but I'm not studying. Just reading lots of what other people have to say about it - and that made me feel a little bit lazy/guilty.
What made me think was your interest in bus drivers. I guess with your special interest, there isn't a lot of studying/learning and that makes me feel a bit better because I guess it's not all about learning - just enjoying. What do you think?
Your Aspie score: 151 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 60 of 200
Formally diagnosed in 2007.
Learn the simple joy of being satisfied with little, rather than always wanting more.