I love my mother to death, and no waterfall on Earth will match my tears, if she dies before Jesus comes back. That said, there's still a lot of anger in my heart towards her, for not being strong enough to take my sister and I away from her domineering, self-righteous, super-religious aunt and uncle. They pretty much raised me from the ages of 3 to 14, because my Mom was a workaholic...and she felt so indebted to them that all 3 of us stayed put. Not to speak ill of the dead, but my aunt Pat was a real "piece of work", if you catch my drift. She and my uncle Wayne were married for almost 38 years, from their 1965 wedding until her death in 2003...and in the 20 years I knew them, I don't recall seeing them share a single smile or laugh together...seriously.
Nowadays, its still all 3 of us at home...but its painfully obvious they're not that happy with my being there all day, especially my sister Lauren. If Mom didn't lean on her for transportation and help with the bills, Lauren would've moved away years ago. I'm on SSI myself (the longest job I ever had was 4 months, 15 years ago), and about a third of it goes to Mom for rent every month. I try my best to keep to myself, because most meaningful conversations eventually come around to my still being unemployed. They don't get why I only see work as a path to living alone, with a ton of stuff but no one who really loves me as I am...and all my attempts to explain just drive them both crazy.
God, guns, and guts made America; let's keep all three.