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25 Oct 2013, 6:31 am

Willard wrote:

As for the forums, over time I've actually taken to leaving a thread after making a comment and not coming back, because I'm so hypersensitive to the occasional snarky reply, that I'd rather not read the reactions, lest I end up obsessing over it and feeling sick for days.

I do this too and not just for snark, if the thread looks like it is just going to become a pile on or hate fest I never return to read it.

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25 Oct 2013, 10:06 am

Sharkbait wrote:
It's not a pleasant state of existence, so when I catch myself doing it, I try to avoid the site for a day or two.

I'm not sure how familiar you are with internet forums, but in case you were not aware of it you may find it helpful to note that you can Private Message ("PM") folks. If you're not up for an open discussion.

Yeah, it´s probably a good idea to take a break from the computer all together once in a while.
I know about the PM function but thanks anyway!

Salkin wrote:
It's fairly normal for autistics to develop a special interest on the subject of autism, which can well include this particular expression. Even if they're only newly self-diagnosed rather than formally. I can easily see this triggering the type of behaviour you're describing.

This is interesting, and I did have Asperger´s as an special interest for a brief period of time (maybe 2 months) before I got diagnosed. It had it´s function though; I made research for my paper "Why I think I have Asperger´s/HFA" that I send to the psychiatrist (who was an expert in autism, but I didn´t know that then) so they wouldn´t misdiagnose me, haha. Now I don´t think about it as a special interest being on the forum because it´s too mild of an interest. But I could be wrong, of course.

ASPartOfMe wrote:
WP has become a special interest since I was diagnosed August 26. There are so many people and sections and most of them I find interesting. Also seeing people are going through things that I'm am going through or have been through first the first time in my life is pretty addicting. Also a lot of important things in my past that I have forgotten about are brought back to the surface.

I can relate to this. When I realized that I had Asperger´s Syndrome (which was before the official diagnosis) I read some autobiographies that really struck a chord in me. I´ve never been able to connect so profoundly to the experiences of NT:s so it was totally a new thing for me to relate the way I did reading those books. It also brought a lot of traumatic memories to life, which wasn´t so fun but certainly necessary.

LucySnowe wrote:
I think the obsession is good, in some respects; but if you find it takes up too much of your time, to the point where it's taking over your mental space and/or hinders your ability to function in the world--find some other activity to get immersed into; or several interests, that way you might not burn out.

That´s good advice, I´ll think about that. Thanks :)

Yesterday, after taking a break from WP, I realized that this obsession thingie wasn´t such a big deal after all. I´d been obsessing about obsessing. Listening to Vibrasphere (good swedish psy-trance) and walking in the rain, watching trees, instead of listening to cars and motor cycles and looking at filthy house facade made quite a change in my psyche. The funny thing is that nothing´s changed really, I spend pretty much time "thinking in posts" yesterday and I dreamt about posting here, but not seeing it as a problem makes it just another aspect of life to flow through :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:

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25 Oct 2013, 11:19 am

Welcome to the site, IreneS!

IreneS wrote:
I´m a new member here and also new to writing in forums. It was hard for me to write my first post here, and now that I´ve done it, I find myself obsessing over the format; thinking in posts, having imaginary discussions here etc. I´ve done this all day today, hours and hours just obsessing over a website and people I don´t know.

If this website has become an autistic special interest for you, then it seems perfectly normal (autistically) for you to spend a lot of time thinking about it in the ways you describe.


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25 Oct 2013, 11:23 am

I can find that I get a little too involved at times, so I cut back a bit and do something else.

The fact of the matter is though, is that I kind of like WP so it is hard to stay away for too long.

Welcome on board anyway :D

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25 Oct 2013, 12:44 pm

same here i just joined today and i love it... i would voice my thoughts on facebook and all that but felt so awkward and alone with my thought and know feel like i have left earth and landed on aspie land and it feels great!


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25 Oct 2013, 12:44 pm

I've really tried hard to post things that I wont stress over, because I'll tend to do that. I think everyone on the internet does that lol

But yeah, posting, and then being scared to come back to the thread to read replies is an awful feeling.....

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25 Oct 2013, 12:54 pm

^I used to have that 'post scare' myself when I was on another forum. But don't be afraid to get back to those threads and read the replies to it. Remember that at the end of the day, it's just words on a screen! And that it's actually quite a buzz to defend the points you've made when someone else is questioning them.

I used to sort of obsess about a comic book forum I posted on back in 2007. I never quite got that personally involved with Wrong Planet, and that's a good thing. 2007 ws honestly not my best year.

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25 Oct 2013, 1:00 pm

Thanks for the welcomes! Yeah, WP is fun and an interest of mine right now. I don´t know if it´s a special interest or where to draw the line for a normal and a special interest, but I guess it doesn't matter.

Pileated woodpecker
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25 Oct 2013, 1:03 pm

Shabba wrote:
same here i just joined today and i love it... i would voice my thoughts on facebook and all that but felt so awkward and alone with my thought and know feel like i have left earth and landed on aspie land and it feels great!

Good, welcome!


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25 Oct 2013, 1:34 pm

sunshower wrote:
From time to time I get "re-obsessed" with WP and then obsessively post on it and check it for most of the day for several weeks. It can be very disruptive when it happens, but also enjoyable.

I'm the same way and I was quite obsessed with the site for a long time when I first discovered it.

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25 Oct 2013, 1:45 pm

I do get interested in it and I think I could get more interested in it, but I don't obsess about it.

Pileated woodpecker
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25 Oct 2013, 2:44 pm

Interesting answers...

Sea Gull
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25 Oct 2013, 4:55 pm

IreneS wrote:
Thanks for the welcomes! Yeah, WP is fun and an interest of mine right now. I don´t know if it´s a special interest or where to draw the line for a normal and a special interest, but I guess it doesn't matter.

I think a lot of the time an autistic special interest can seem sort of like an addiction on the surface. But it's not the same thing, and generally isn't self-destructive in the same way. Autistics need to engage in special interests in order to "de-stimulize" from the over-stimulation that happens just from everyday life. Without engaging in a special interest, you can easily spiral into a state of increasing anxiety with some fairly bad effects (I've had this happen myself).

So what I'm trying to say is not to worry about it too much. Even if your level of interest in something might seem like possibly addictive behavior for a neuro-typical person to have, if you're autistic it may in fact be more of a healthy coping mechanism.


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25 Oct 2013, 6:02 pm

ASPartOfMe wrote:
CockneyRebel wrote:
I do this a lot as well. It's gotten so bad at one point that I had to cut down the hours that I post here. I've found Swagbucks to fill that void and I get outside and do a lot of walking as well. I actually had a dream that I woke up in 1965 and I went on a device that had a typewriter and a small TV with the rounded screen that TVs had back in the day and I logged onto WP and started typing. I was one of the few members who had an avatar because the images of most of the avatars weren't around in the Mid 60s.

Internet was not around either back then and computers were room size so only big cooperations had them.

Actually, the Internet as we know it today didn't exist in the 1960s, though the history of the Internet did begin in the 1950s with the development of the first electronic computers.

I also spend a lot of time fantasizing about what personal computers and the Internet would have been like if they were around in the 60s.

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25 Oct 2013, 6:31 pm

I have participated in other online forums, one for almost a decade now, and I go through periods of obsession and then backing off. At the beginning, it is very easy to become obsessed because there are so many past threads for you to catch up on. Especially here, there are a lot of interesting forums, so I can spend hours reading through the recent posts in them. However, once you have "caught up," there won't be as many new posts for you to read on a daily basis, so you may find yourself visiting less often.

Tufted Titmouse
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25 Oct 2013, 7:33 pm

IreneS wrote:
I´m a new member here and also new to writing in forums. It was hard for me to write my first post here, and now that I´ve done it, I find myself obsessing over the format............hours and hours just obsessing over a website and people I don´t know. I find that this sometimes happens to me when I do something new (afterwards I can´t sleep ´cause I´m thinking it through over and over again) or if I meet someone new (if I like the person I start to have imaginary discussion with he or she, although the it´s mostly me speaking because I can´t imagine what the other person would say.)

IreneS wrote:
I did have Asperger´s as an special interest for a brief period of time (maybe 2 months) before I got diagnosed. It had it´s function though; I made research for my paper "Why I think I have Asperger´s/HFA" that I send to the psychiatrist (who was an expert in autism, but I didn´t know that then) so they wouldn´t misdiagnose me, haha.

I don't have a diagnosis, but do have an appointment to discuss Asperger's in a month, started on working on same type of paper today

ASPartOfMe wrote:
WP has become a special interest since I was diagnosed August 26. There are so many people and sections and most of them I find interesting. Also seeing people are going through things that I'm am going through or have been through first the first time in my life is pretty addicting. Also a lot of important things in my past that I have forgotten about are brought back to the surface.

It amazes that people I have never met, are writing things that may have well been plucked straight out of my mind. I just read "The Complete Asperger's Guide" by Tony Attwood brought up a lot of memories.

Also I started watching The Bridge before I really knew anything about Asperger's. I have never identified with (empathized?) any fictional character as strongly as I did with Sonya. Eventually I found WP, and that made a lot more sense.