Sharkbait wrote:
It's not a pleasant state of existence, so when I catch myself doing it, I try to avoid the site for a day or two.
I'm not sure how familiar you are with internet forums, but in case you were not aware of it you may find it helpful to note that you can Private Message ("PM") folks. If you're not up for an open discussion.
Yeah, it´s probably a good idea to take a break from the computer all together once in a while.
I know about the PM function but thanks anyway!
Salkin wrote:
It's fairly normal for autistics to develop a special interest on the subject of autism, which can well include this particular expression. Even if they're only newly self-diagnosed rather than formally. I can easily see this triggering the type of behaviour you're describing.
This is interesting, and I did have Asperger´s as an special interest for a brief period of time (maybe 2 months) before I got diagnosed. It had it´s function though; I made research for my paper "Why I think I have Asperger´s/HFA" that I send to the psychiatrist (who was an expert in autism, but I didn´t know that then) so they wouldn´t misdiagnose me, haha. Now I don´t think about it as a special interest being on the forum because it´s too mild of an interest. But I could be wrong, of course.
ASPartOfMe wrote:
WP has become a special interest since I was diagnosed August 26. There are so many people and sections and most of them I find interesting. Also seeing people are going through things that I'm am going through or have been through first the first time in my life is pretty addicting. Also a lot of important things in my past that I have forgotten about are brought back to the surface.
I can relate to this. When I realized that I had Asperger´s Syndrome (which was before the official diagnosis) I read some autobiographies that really struck a chord in me. I´ve never been able to connect so profoundly to the experiences of NT:s so it was totally a new thing for me to relate the way I did reading those books. It also brought a lot of traumatic memories to life, which wasn´t so fun but certainly necessary.
LucySnowe wrote:
I think the obsession is good, in some respects; but if you find it takes up too much of your time, to the point where it's taking over your mental space and/or hinders your ability to function in the world--find some other activity to get immersed into; or several interests, that way you might not burn out.
That´s good advice, I´ll think about that. Thanks
Yesterday, after taking a break from WP, I realized that this obsession thingie wasn´t such a big deal after all. I´d been obsessing about obsessing. Listening to Vibrasphere (good swedish psy-trance) and walking in the rain, watching trees, instead of listening to cars and motor cycles and looking at filthy house facade made quite a change in my psyche. The funny thing is that nothing´s changed really, I spend pretty much time "thinking in posts" yesterday and I dreamt about posting here, but not seeing it as a problem makes it just another aspect of life to flow through