angelbear wrote:
.... I have an 8 year old Aspie. Tonight he was telling me that he liked someone at school. I was thinking it was a girl. He didn't want to tell me, but finally he said it was a little boy. After gathering more information, he said that he wanted to be that little boy. .....
My interpretation of what your son described is that he "hero worships" the other boy. Hero worship is a natural phase that boys go through. It is when they compare themselves with other guys, and find a guy that they wish they were like. A guy that they admire, look up to, and want to be.
For a lot of kids it is their Dad that they want to be like when they grow up, but in todays society that isn't always possible.
A boy needs a male role model. Another male that he admires, respects, and wants to be like.
We, the people on the Autistic Spectrum have a choice.
We can either try to "fit in" with the rest of society, or we can be so egocentric that we can't be bothered.
I choose the actor. I observe NT's. I listen to their socializing. I practice it, so in social situations I can just emulate/mimic what is expected.
It isn't natural for me, but it enables me to "fit in".
It is VERY tiring and draining, but at least we can appear like them even though it is an act. Like being on the stage.
They can't see it is emulation, and so we are accepted.