I should have said that, although my best friend at school has traits of autism and may have Aspergers, that doesn't mean I could gel with anyone with autism or traits. My BIL definitely has Aspergers, he's oblivious, has no diagnosis and never will, but there's doubt about it. I can't stand him and, I'm sorry to admit, some of it is down to autism traits. He speaks out of turn, says incredibly hurtful things and has no idea why anyone has taken offence. I know he's not really a nasty person and this all comes down to theory of mind, but really, how can't he work out that telling someone to their face that they're fat or ugly isn't appropriate, when he knows how it feels to be told that himself. On the other hand, my husband, his brother, has autism traits which I find endearing. That's probably what drew me to him more than anything.
"We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiatic about." Charles Kingsley