CharityFunDay wrote:
Yeah, but goldfish, you cer-azee Yanquis smoke joints that are pure grass, so you can't be taken as a reliable measuring post.
I tried smoking an American friend's joint once. Not realising the UK/US difference, I did what I would normally do, and took a long deep drag and held it in for a good few seconds. Then I exhaled and become one with the cosmos. And then suddenly it was midnight and I'd lost three hours.
I currently smoke pure weed. I was mixing up to 50% natural tobacco & enjoyed it but had to cut the nicotine out 5 or so months ago. It's only over the last few years I even began blending in tobacco (since I'm not a cigarette smoker) but one of my close friends smokes spliffs only so I got used to mixing the two. I've had the odd puff of a Djarum Black after a few tokes, but haven't really smoked tobacco at all over the last 5+ months. Someday I'll go back to blending a little in here and there.
Fwiw I live in the suburbs of Vancouver, BC, Canada.. we're kind of well known around the world for quality bud. Annnd now that I'm one with the cosmos, since it's not raining, it's time for me to go outside for a run in the dark.

for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.