Sharkbait wrote:
It makes me weak in relation to what? I would argue that the seemingly compulsive need for socialization is a far greater weakness than any I have.
Both of the brain types being discussed have advantages and disadvantages.
Unless you're willing to classify socialization as a debilitating condition that detracts from pursuit of knowledge you will have a hard time convincing me that an autistic mind is a medical condition.
I went to a class to learn sign language the other day.
The instructor, who is deaf from birth, explained about what terms he likes that people use to describe him and said he did not accept the term disabled.
I thought that was precious. He needs an interpreter to communicate with the world that doesn't speak British Sign Language but he doesn't like to think of himself as disabled.
He then proceeded to tell us how important it is to use facial expressions to help communicate the meaning of the signing.
And I thought it was precious that I wasn't allowed to think of myself as disabled while considering his facial expression that to me suggested he was having one mother of a hard poo situation going on, but which apparently was him being quizzical.
I think you have a very long way to fall from that high horse if we start looking into what led to your diagnosis - was it pursuit of knowledge?
context is king