My answer / Their answer/ (Guesses to get right)
(1) Despairing / Despairing (1)
(2) Forgiving (and Grumpy) / Grumpy (2 - because forgiving was wrong)
(3) Disgusted, Aggressive, Unfriendly, Grumpy, Defiant, Cruel / Cruel (6)
(4) Unfriendly, Aggressive, Defiant / Defiant (3)
(5) Overjoyed / Overjoyed (1)
(6) Expectant / Expectant (1)
(7) Concerned / Concerned (1)
(8 ) Overjoyed, Amused, Excited / Excited (3)
(9) Forgiving / Forgiving (1)
(10) Defiant , Disgusted, Relieved, Grumpy, Surprised, Unfriendly / Unfriendly (6)
(11) Amused / Amused (1)
(12) Excited, Expectant, Afraid, Concerned, Aggressive / Aggressive (5)
(13) Expectant, Sociable / Sociable (2)
(14) Afraid / Afraid (1)
(15) Concerned, Begging / Begging (2)
(16) Surprised / Surprised (1)
(17) Despairing , Sad / Sad (2)
(18 ) Sociable , Adoring / Adoring (2)
(19 ) Relieved / Relieved (1)
(20) Disgusted / Disgusted (1)
What I think about this :
(2) I said both "forgiving" and "grumpy" for the second guy because he looks like both to me.
He looks like he's caught some little brats doing something in his garden which they shouldn't be (stealing apples, for example), been given a half-decent explanation which he's not 100% convinced by ("but mister.... we're so hungry. Our mum sent us out to play and told us to have dinner later because the sun was out.") , and after mulling it over has said something like "alright. I'll let you off this once, now piss off and don't let me catch you again." ... hence why I reckon his grumpy attitude has an element of forgiving to it.
(3) The third woman is basically giving somebody the "stink eye" ... but it's not obvious why.
She's supposed to be "cruel" ... but ehhh I don't think that one was easy to guess at all.
(5) The "overjoyed" woman looking f*cking insane.... but there was no "f*cking insane" option, so I went with "overjoyed" instead.
(9) The forgiving guy could have been looking sociable to me, rather than forgiving.
(10) The "unfriendly" girl really doesn't look very unfriendly to me at all. I just started to guess this one semi-randomly after I got it wrong because to me she looks unconcerned, and there wasn't an option for that... or defiant, which was wrong.
She looks like she's being nagged about something petty by a teacher who she doesn't think much of, and is looking at somebody else while thinking something like "blah blah blah pfffsh, whatever dude" about the nagging.
(12) The 'aggressive' guy looks like he's watching a football match involving a team about whom he feels passionate. Something not so great happened to his team during the match (hence his teeth clenching) , but he seems like he is avidly following what transpires. He doesn't look aggressive to me, just keenly involved in watching something.
(13) The "sociable" woman truly does seem like she's expecting something.... a reply, perhaps.
(15) It wasn't clear what the "begging" guy was supposed to look like because of him gurning.
(17) The "sad" guy really does look bummed out... so I said that he was despairing.
The two emotions are very similar (despair being effectively a more profound version of sadness to a great extent), so I think his expression could show either.
(18 ) I'm not sure what the hell is wrong with that "adoring" bloke's neck, but I could accept that he looks adoring rather than simply sociable.
Ultimately, I agree with others here that the acting is in many cases pretty bad.... and the results of people who have AS regarding this test would only be indicative of anything in comparison to the results of NTs. I suspect that NTs would get a considerable number of these wrong as well.