New kind of autism organization
Are you thinking of something that covers topics ranging from "how to engage in small talk" to "how to keep up with paying bills"?
Yes, but perhaps more specific, e.g. how to make certain types of phone calls.
Makes sense. I have some experience writing how-tos, and specific ones are easier to write than more general ones.
A couple ideas just to get things started (both would probably fit under category 3)...
-How to respond to the dreaded "how are you?" question
-How to introduce yourself to someone you don't know (e.g. at a social gathering)

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1) autism information on verry merry berry specific topic that many people have questions about
2) education in school subjects on verry merry berry specific topic
3) life skills how to for teens/adults, a verry merry berry specific topic
The key is verry merry berry specific to start with. I tend to do bester than I plan, so it's best to just do it, then think about what to do after getting some feedback on the beta.
What idears do y'all have for which topics for 1, 2, 3?
I don't have any ideas right this moment, although I did just recall that Karla Fisher has done some work in this regard: ... 9821204141
She used to post here regularly (xkfisherx or something like that).

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am willing to contribute as well if want btbnnyr, had had a project going over two months ago-making 'easy read' pictorial based information for an autism organisation.
am getting out of hospital on the ninth of this month so can get to work from then on if like, easy read material is very good for people all over the spectrum from what have seen.
1) autism information on verry merry berry specific topic that many people have questions about
2) education in school subjects on verry merry berry specific topic
3) life skills how to for teens/adults, a verry merry berry specific topic
The key is verry merry berry specific to start with. I tend to do bester than I plan, so it's best to just do it, then think about what to do after getting some feedback on the beta.
What idears do y'all have for which topics for 1, 2, 3?
I love this idea!
The issue with threads is that you only really end up looking at the end of the threads, not looking for what you actually are interested in. Something else for how to organize is probably what we want. At least if we know if it'll succeed. Threads don't seem like they will succeed though.
A non-public edit wiki probably makes sense for this. My boyfriend said we have space that it can be on if you want it to be (at least for now), if it gets going and you get a domain name for it (which would be about $15 for a year).
For information I can contribute:
-For number 1 I'd provide various specific sensory stuff, I'm sorry that I don't know what in particular

-For number 2, some stuff on games that help with logical thinking.
(2) Picture dictionary.
How to ask for help finding something in a store.
How to ask for directions when you are lost in a city/town.
How to ask a bus driver about which bus to take.
How to call the bus company to ask for directions about buses to take.
How to make a Dr./dentist/optometrist appt.
How to open a chequing/savings account.
How to wash clothing/do laundry.
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Thanks to eberryone who offered to help, and more are always appreciated, suggestions eggswell as people.
Let's make it goal for December for each person to create one thing in category of own choosing on verry merry berry specific topic of own choosing. If you can't choose, then let me know, and I will give you some choices. If you are not sure, please post your idears in this thread, and people can tell you which ones they want you to do.
I will look into best way for us to communicate with each other and share information away from this thread (if anyone knows of best way, maybe wiki, maybe mailing list, please tell me, I suck at organizing things), and also the awesome website that we will make awesome to provide this awesome information to public.
For each guide or article or lesson, I suggest combination of words (language for wide audience) and pictures (like verry merry berry informative figures as found in science papers and pop science magazine articles). If you need help making pictures, please let me know, that is one of my strengths.
For content in category 1, I suggest combination of scholarly/scientific information about autism as found in google scholar searches and own+other life eggsperiences/observations. If you want an article but don't have access, please let me know, as I have institutional access.
The goal of this phase 0.1 is to create some things and see how it goes for each person and how we operate as group. We can post our products on wp as they are finished to get feedback from community.
If you have more idears for organizing and are good at it, please tell me and even take over, because organizing is not one of my strengths.
Drain and plane and grain and blain your brain, and then again,
Propane and butane out of the gas main, your blain shall sustain!
If you have more idears for organizing and are good at it, please tell me and even take over, because organizing is not one of my strengths.
I have a suggestion/question:
Is it important that people are not all doing the same topic? If so, could each person post here what they are doing so that others know?
"Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving." -- Terry Pratchett, A Hat Full of Sky
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If you have more idears for organizing and are good at it, please tell me and even take over, because organizing is not one of my strengths.
I have a suggestion/question:
Is it important that people are not all doing the same topic? If so, could each person post here what they are doing so that others know?
Oh yes, I furrrgotz to say this earlier, each person please post what you are doing, but you can always change your mind and update that it goes.
Also, it is ok to have different versions on same topic, as different perspectives are verry merry berry helpful.
Drain and plane and grain and blain your brain, and then again,
Propane and butane out of the gas main, your blain shall sustain!
One of the MANY reasons for putting together an intentional autistic community inside an already existing one, is to help each other in our strengths and weaknesses. one thing I have noticed is the huge amount of autistic people who craft items, paint, design clothing and jewelry. I would like to slowly build an autistic merchandise center. But, we would need to start first with small, outside [or the inside basement of a church donating its' space] fairs first. though ours will be done locally and hopefully grow exponentially from there, something similar could be done anywhere.
I am "computer and inter-net challenged," but, a hand-crafted autistic site, similar to Etsy, could be incredible.
People, there is so much we can do, but it won't get done if we don't start.
Also, it is ok to have different versions on same topic, as different perspectives are verry merry berry helpful.

I have imagined something like that, too -- like a co-operative of autistic craftspersons
"Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving." -- Terry Pratchett, A Hat Full of Sky
Love transcends all.
Not sure how I will be able to help, but I will try. At the moment I'm already involved in two charities so am reaching the limits of my useful energy (don't you just hate having to ration your energy because there is so little of it).
I'm by no means an expert in the field, but I do have a bit of experience with website design; I've just completed a website for our local adult autism charity : AT4A website
Apart from that, most of my skills revolve around art (painting & sculpture) so not really very practical lol.
Autistic dad to an autistic boy and loving it - its always fun in our house

I have Autism. My communication difficulties mean that I sometimes get words wrong, that what I mean is not what comes out.

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Now that iAbstract is done and submitted, it is time to turn iAttention here again. May I name this new kind of autism organization Verry Merry Berry?
Drain and plane and grain and blain your brain, and then again,
Propane and butane out of the gas main, your blain shall sustain!
1) autism information on verry merry berry specific topic that many people have questions about
In relation to 1) common questions asked by parents of autistic kids is
i) what exactly is a speech delay? and what level of impediment does my child have?
ii) if my child is unable to communicate properly then what test can they take to gauge their intelligence?
iii) If my child is reluctant to produce expressive speech then how do I know if they comprehend what we are teaching/telling them?
According to Attwood and Baron-Cohen attributes i)-iii) are the strongest predictors of future development for children and their ability to succeed and cope in the NT world.

Joined: 18 May 2011
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1) autism information on verry merry berry specific topic that many people have questions about
In relation to 1) common questions asked by parents of autistic kids is
i) what exactly is a speech delay? and what level of impediment does my child have?
ii) if my child is unable to communicate properly then what test can they take to gauge their intelligence?
iii) If my child is reluctant to produce expressive speech then how do I know if they comprehend what we are teaching/telling them?
According to Attwood and Baron-Cohen attributes i)-iii) are the strongest predictors of future development for children and their ability to succeed and cope in the NT world.
These are verry merry berry good idears for articles.
i) Can have individual articles to describe different types of speech/language/communication delays from non-verbal to pragmatic speech problems. The level of impediment question is hard to answer, probably bester to clinicians, but descriptions of various types/subgroups should help.
ii) Can list and describe different tests besides commonly used IQ tests and back up with science papers. The ultimate answer is to try to teach the child regardless of a number, trying many different ways (this is where creative idears and category 2 material is needed), and see what happens.
iii) Related to teaching techniques, this time for assessing, again development in category 2 is needed. I read a paper in which researchers assessed non-verbal children for understanding sentences through eye-tracking. There were two pictures onscreen, and headphones played a sentence which matched one of the pictures, and children were found to look more at matched picture, indicating understanding.
Drain and plane and grain and blain your brain, and then again,
Propane and butane out of the gas main, your blain shall sustain!
1) autism information on verry merry berry specific topic that many people have questions about
2) education in school subjects on verry merry berry specific topic
3) life skills how to for teens/adults, a verry merry berry specific topic
The key is verry merry berry specific to start with. I tend to do bester than I plan, so it's best to just do it, then think about what to do after getting some feedback on the beta.
What idears do y'all have for which topics for 1, 2, 3?
I want to write an article for #1 I just haven't decided what yet. I will post again when I decide.
I think this information would be good in a wiki format, or a web site format as opposed to a forum. The issue with forums is that as topics are added, older topics become harder to find. It works for WP, but would not work for something that has more specific information.
DX Aspergers
AQ: 39
Aspie-quiz AS:154 NT:50
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Location: Lost Angleles Carmen Santiago
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