Commercials don't make me want to buy a new TV. It's when the DVD-player or the areal is no longer compatible with the TV (or vice-versa) because of becoming outdated and then unusable. I brought a cheap TV with a video built in, about 10 years ago, and it still works today, with good picture and sound quality. But the last DVD-player I had suddenly packed up and so I went out and brought a new DVD-player, and that wasn't compatible with the TV so I tried another make and nothing would connect to the TV any more. I even looked for a scart lead or other type of extension lead but I couldn't find the right one even after asking several shop assistants, and it was too complicated to look online, so I had to give the old TV up and buy a new TV. OK, the TV is bigger, but the other little TV had a video attached to it and the whole thing was as good as new. It seemed such a shame to have to put it up in the attic (yes, I'm a hoarder, I cannot throw things away once I have got attached to them). I was going to sell it but didn't think anyone would buy it, and I was worried in case people who did buy it might just be buying it for a target to practice shooting at in their back garden or something. People are so heartless these days (not everyone).