I've had many different stims throughout my lifetime, my current ones include rocking, flapping (which I'm trying to stop), picking at my eyebrows (also trying to stop; had it since seventh grade and half of each eyebrow is missing), and squishing my rubber "splat" ball. I've always been addicted to squishy liquid-filled toys, and it wasn't until a year or so after I learned about autism that I finally understood why I was the only one in my family who kept breaking them. I manipulated my rubber toys far more than my sisters ever did, so mine never lasted as long. My mother always threatened to "ban" me from them, but never actually carried it out, I guess she knew how much I needed them. When I was about two I went through a phase where I stopped walking and bounced everywhere because I loved the high-impact compression on my joints, but my parents eventually had to force me to stop because I was damaging the tendons in my ankles.
"Survival is insufficient" - Seven of Nine
Diagnosed with ASD level 1 on the 10th of April, 2014
Rediagnosed with ASD level 2 on the 4th of May, 2019
Thanks to Olympiadis for my fantastic avatar!