OddFiction wrote:
curious if people who answer the OP question might be interested in another question - wondering if it's related in any way:
do you remember places by landmarks or street names ? I'm a "turn left at the white house with garden gnomes" type of person myself.
1) sh***y at finding things.
2) By position. I position things globally and then relate them to each other. So places I have been are memorized in my internal google maps program. Building A = southwestern of point B = connected via big street leading western, then southsouthwestern then again western, ..... On one side I shock people by being able to approximate calculate directions of geo cashes in the head, on the other side they despair, when trying to describe me the way to a new location. They seem to mention tons of things on the way, that I simply dont mention, until searching for them on purpose. Street names dont exist for me, if they have no connection to the streets (As example a limewoodroad with limewood-trees.), I cant remember them. (Its the same with names for me. ^^)