nutbag wrote:
I am gifted. My IQ is high genius, and in the range that is difficult to measure. I do not brag here - i did not a thing to have this: It was simoly there like my brown eyes and greying and receeding blonde hair. Two points:
1. Not that my gift (I am good at the understanding, manipulation, synthesizing, and communicating of concepts: hell for good at spatial relationships: I earn my living as an unlicensed architect in a small town) has done me much good. I fear 'retirement" as it looms ever nearer, and I have no retirement plans outside of SS.
2. I have studied a few sited didicated to high IQ. Most of us are not physicists. Further, one poor fellow related that a specific question on an IQ test asked the oh so typical: "Which of these items does not belong with the others?" He noted immediately that all item's names began with the same initial letter - except one: Obviously the one that does not fit. NO! that was not the exception that THEY (and you know how they are!) were looking for. Missed question because: A. the human mind is not good at stochastic operation, B. The tests are designed by, tested on, administered by, and scored by mundane standards.
3. I do not trust mondanes with the testing or modification of my mind.
Greatest GIFT I have received - WP!
thank you all
I didn't say a genius had to have a certain job, merely that a person had a better chance to test high if they had caring and smart parents. That is due to nutrition, fulfillment of need/desire, and exposure to higher level knowledge.
HEY, on the last 1 vs 100, they got down to 5 people. One person was a ROOM SERVICE WAITER! He said the answer to his success was LOTS OF DOWNTIME, so he read a lot of stuff. The winner was someone else that might not have been expected to win. GRANTED none of the harder questions were worthy of an IQ test, and they weren't that hard. If I was there, it would have been down to 6. I would have flunked the last question also, but would have been in good company. Still, some SIMPLE questions people in highschool should have been able to asnwer knocked out a LOT of people.
Yeah, I've seen those types of questions ALSO. Luckily, most IQ tests are probably multiple choice, so if your answer isn't listed, you can try again. Still, that is one reason I HATE tests.