Ashariel wrote:
I suppose it's possible that autism causes traumatic births, rather than the other way around. We don't react well to changes in routine, and new situations, and... Birth definitely falls under that category!
Yes, or there can be a common cause for autism and traumatic birth.
For example, there is a fairly high correlation between C-sections and risk of autism. But it is not considered significant, because having a C-section is usually a result or a difficult or problematic pregnancy, and most of the things that cause or constitute a difficult pregnancy are themselves correlated with autism. As usual for the causes of autism there are so many factors, causes and consequences everywhere.that it is hard to understand anything :/
I'm surprised to read that so many people don't know abut their own birth or think their parents wouldn't say if something went wrong. Why would they possibly lie or retain information about such a thing ?
A bit obsessed with vocabulary, semantics and using the right words. Sorry if it is a concern. It's the way I think, I am not hair-splitting or attacking you.