Trontine wrote:
Makar wrote:
When someone bought me a barbie, even if I had asked for it, I had no idea what to do with I would take it's clothing off, cut all of it's hair off, chew on it for a while (the legs and arms, when I was a kid I chewed on everything.) and then when I couldn't think of anything else to do with it I would chase my sister around and whack her with it. (It didn't cross my mind that this might hurt because I had a very high pain tolerence. I feel kind of bad about it now.)
My imagination is not good. It's not spontaneous at all. All of my actual play as a kid was just reenactments of the shows I was obsessed with (digimon and sailor moon).
I can't really daydream either. If I try to visualize something in my mind it's all foggy, dark and fragmented. I can't hold the "image" for very long, especially if it's complicated or I need to see details, it give me a headache.
I can relate to this. Technically mine weren't Barbie's, they were these cheap lookalikes. I did try to play with them, but I didn't quite get the hang of it. I clothed them, and then had them "walking" on the top of a Lego house or a tiny stool, not sure. I didn't find much joy in it. I hit my brother too, but that was unrelated to the Barbies. We have a tape from when we were in the bathtub, and I were hitting him with a plastic boat, I did it over and over. I think I was waiting for a reaction. Sadly, he was probably used to it, so he didn't react much.
I remember a friend wanted us to reenact The Lion King 2 while watching it. I was really reluctant to do this, but she wouldn't watch the movie otherwise.
Ah yeah, I think I was looking for a reaction too. I was extremely hyper and constantly bored.
When I reenacted shows I did it with stuffed animals, it never crossed my mind to do it myself, I would have been reluctant as well.
I remember a lot of the time I would run back and forth across the house and slam myself into walls and things. That was fun for me. I also would hold a hand mirror at waist height above my feet, look down into it, and pretend I was walking on the ceiling. Does that count as imagination?