Social interaction. It's very hit or miss for me. I'm much better than I used to be, but I had an incident in December 2012 that really set me back in my social confidence.
I was at the ship Christmas party for my husband's ship and he was introducing me to various people. I was being polite and friendly, smiling, doing everything (I thought) right, but then he got to a couple of people he wasn't too fond of and he still introduced me to be polite. I recognized the guy's name as the person he had said was in the bunk above him, so I said, "Oh so you're [husband's name]'s bunkmate?" And apparently that was the incorrect term. So the guy literally bent over laughing, then called over other sailors, whispered in their ears, and they all stood there laughing uproariously at me. Doubled over, even literally pointing. It was horrendous and probably the most embarrassing moment of my adult life.
I also had a less embarrassing, though still very uncomfortable, experience when I went to the wives group during his first deployment (back in 2012) and I again misspoke and used the wrong term and all of the wives laughed, not kindly-- the kind couple of women were quiet and shot me sympathetic glances. Then every time I spoke after that at the meeting, women literally rolled their eyes and whispered to each other, giggling.
Those two experiences really, really set me back as far as socializing with his coworkers goes and now I'm much more hesitant and careful about it. Guarded, I guess would be a good word. They were reminders that I'm different and I'll never be "one of the wives"-- I'll always be "that one wife". I hate feeling alienated-- I just want to be accepted as different, but still a valuable and beloved part of the group. So it's...hard to see that reminder crop up again and again over the course of my life.
But I mean, we all carry our crosses, right? This is just what mine manifests as.