TallyMan wrote:
wozeree wrote:
watermelon, can't even be in the same room with the smell of it.
Yum! It is like eating sweet snow. Lovely smell, taste and texture. Really refreshing.
i agree. in australia we have 2 types of watermelon. one type is elongated (like the classic watermelon) and the other type is spherical and is sweeter than the elongated type.
however, there is a type of melon called a "rock" melon, and it smells offensive. my mother used to like them and tried to encourage me to try some, but i refused to sample it. it smells like a babies burp. almost vomity, but somewhat milky as well. stomach churning.
the worst smelling food i have ever encountered is "paw paw" (papaya?). it smells strongly of unmodified vomit and i can not imagine how anyone could spoon it into their mouths.
i do like mild cheese.
i dislike mint and aniseed and eucalyptus and alcohol and herbs (i do like certain spices but i do not like the taste of herbs).
TallyMan wrote:
Fascinating the difference between everyone's sense of taste
an old saying that i never really examined when i was younger was "there is no accounting for taste".
when i scrutinized that saying with more than scant appraisal, i realized it is very true in a more complicated way than i ever imagined. there really is no accounting for taste. it is ethereal.
TallyMan wrote:
I wonder if watermelon tastes different to you than me.
i wonder if you see the color green the same way as i do. you may see what i call green as what i would call red if i was in your sensorium, yet you are taught that that color you see is called green, and i am taught that the color i am seeing is called green, but in reality, we may see opposite subjective colors and call them the same name.