Help me trigger an emotional overload
I have often been shamed for it, however my 'sometimes' referred to people who have made a big effort to understand me, e.g. my boyfriend or a family member - some family members still shame me, but some used to and now don't because they have better understanding now. But yes, I am fortunate enough to have someone be so caring about my distress that they have apologised for accidentally triggering it. Although even if someone is supportive, I still always want to hide.
EDIT: oh, I do also tell the person apologising that despite it being appreciated there is no need to apologise: although they understand that my outburst/panic isn't purposeful, it doesn't make it their fault that I over react to quite a lot of things that wouldn't bother most people.
Last edited by Gizalba on 26 Jan 2014, 3:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Perhaps if you like animals, look for animal abuse articles, that might trigger some crying.
I didn't realise they meant crying either. I can cry when I emotionally overload but am more likely to shout/scream and hit my head. I wondered why they would want to induce something like that as I assumed they experienced similar to myself. Bad habit I have there.
I have often been shamed for it, however my 'sometimes' referred to people who have made a big effort to understand me, e.g. my boyfriend or a family member - some family members still shame me, but some used to and now don't because they have better understanding now. But yes, I am fortunate enough to have someone be so caring about my distress that they have apologised for accidentally triggering it. Although even if someone is supportive, I still always want to hide.
Then I am glad you have found someone and even family members who are so supportive of you. Well done you. I don't think my family would ever apologise. People will be 'sympathetic' until it happens. I can't imagine anyone apologising to me about most things actually. Maybe I am too ready to blame myself.
The second last episode of the first season of Sailor Moon, where she has to fight Queen Beryl.
Any Disney movie with an intensely happy or sad moment.
Laughing to hard.
Being too happy.
Being too Sad.
Dropping my last timtam on the floor.
People avoid me like I am some kind of criminal and the men around here try to treat me like I am the local free prostitution service when I am not that kind of person and I have never hurt anyone.
Yet I get to watch women who do sleep around and women who are manipulative, vicious and nasty find love. It doesn't seem fair.
Do you have a similar trigger...
Alternatively I can stress myself out by thinking about the DWP trying to push me back into work before I am ready and at a time where I am having trouble coping with basic functioning let alone having to deal with all the social politics of being on the work force.
That sets off a mixture of anger, hurt, upset, frustration, fear....and pressure building....
I do have triggers, as I stated above.
People saying nasty things about me doesn't work. I don't find their personal opinions of me upsetting unless they are acting out their opinions in an attempt to impact on my life.
Find an Aspie that is your gender of choice. I have, I will never go back to dating an NT. We need to be around our own people.
Why do you want to trigger one anyway? I usually try to avoid mine.
Depending on what you do during your emotional overloads, I don't think encouraging myself to smack myself on the head will do me any favours. Nor will the screaming as I am sure the neighbours use that to fire up some of the rumours. Better to deprive them of gossip worthy material, although in such an instance they tend to concoct their own instead...
Remembering traumatic events doesn't work with me. Since they have past, when I think about them, they are just videos of events in my life. Nothing more.
Thinking about stuff that angers me or depresses me won't work either. What once angered me or depressed me greatly, won't have anywhere near the same emotional impact it once did.
I don't want to break something I love or like.
Disrupting one of my routines leaves me stuck and unable to proceed with the next event, it does bother me greatly, but not enough to cause an emotional overload unless it was an entire routine disrupted by an outside force.
A crowded supermarket would be painful and feel like I'm drowning in my own mind. I need a trigger at home.
I want to trigger one because I need to have one.
With me, every little thing that is emotionally upsetting, causes stress or anxiety builds up.
Like a pressure cooker.
Eventually, I need to have an emotional overload in order to be functional again.
When I don't have them and I need too, I cannot concentrate and my senses become quite unstable.
I will perceive sound to be oscillating.
Things in my vision will start to warp.
My olfactory senses register more than they usually would.
So on and so forth.
Once I have one, I feel better.
When I have an emotional overload, it is caused by me having a strong emotional reaction to something.
Which results in me bursting into tears for an extended period of time (anywhere from 3 minutes to 30 minutes)
After it happens, I am completely exhausted and I fall asleep.
When I wake up, I'm a little groggy, but I feel a lot better.
It's like hitting the reset button.
Are you trying to eliminate anxiety and distraction so you can enter a zen state?'
I need to release the pressure valve.
I don't like it, but it needs to happen.
I don't enter a zen state afterwards.
I shutdown afterwards.
Then after a time spent asleep, I arise feeling somewhat better.
Refer to above
-Put duct tape on a hairy part of your body.
-Watch a sad movie
As you're about to cry, remove duct tape as fast as you can.
Works everytime.
I dislike alcohol.
The only hairy part of my body is my pubic region. I've waxed there once. I don't want to try it again.
I've attempted the sad movie, it hasn't worked.
I think he's looking for a release like crying. I completely get that.
I would say the best bet is what Fogpatrol said though I can't say I've tried duct tape.
Indeed that is what I am looking for.
I am a female, by the way.
*Chortles* Actually, you might be onto something there.
Perhaps if you like animals, look for animal abuse articles, that might trigger some crying.
That would make me feel nauseous. I wouldn't have a strong enough emotional response to trigger an emotional overload.
Perhaps if you like animals, look for animal abuse articles, that might trigger some crying.
I didn't realise they meant crying either. I can cry when I emotionally overload but am more likely to shout/scream and hit my head. I wondered why they would want to induce something like that as I assumed they experienced similar to myself. Bad habit I have there.
That would be a meltdown of mine.
I don't like that.
I wouldn't trigger that.
It wouldn't give me any relief.
Lol, no. Not yet.
Heres hoping?
Damn man. The last Tim Tam. I'm about to get choked up here just thinking about it.
I never need much help to cry. Certain songs will just do it. I usually need triggers that get me angry and make my brain wake up.
I can smell that Tim Tam now.
My band photography blog -
My personal blog -
Okay, I genuinely don't recommend anyone taking this advice, but The Mountain Goats are basically the Big Guns of a desire like this. Be alone, get a few shots of San Juan rum/nail polish remover into your system, then listen to this on headphones a few times, really f***ing listen:
EDIT: Also, if you had a set of crap parents, go buy The Sunset Tree. You'll find plenty of emotional overload in there...
EDIT EDIT: F*** it. This thing doesn't want to embed for a reason...
"Listen deeper to the music before you put it in a box" - Tyler the Creator - Sandwitches
Red, this is slightly OT, but do you often think, or at least write, with a lot of line breaks? I find the formatting of your posts very interesting. Is it reflective of a sort of fractured state of mind that occurs before you have an emotional release? Just curious.
Rebel, The Mountain Goats have a similar effect on me. Nice to see them making an appearance.
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