Frustrated with my Psychiatrist
I agree, the best thing would be to find someone who specializes in autism testing, because they know exactly what to look for, and that it's not always obvious.
I've seen several all-purpose therapists over the course of my life, and none of them ever suspected Aspergers. Finally I suspected it myself, and my therapist at the time quickly dismissed the idea, based solely on my eye contact ability (which isn't even all that good!)
But then I went to an autism expert, and she agreed within two sessions that I fit the diagnosis, based on actual criteria rather than a vague knowledge of cliché stereotypes.
Good luck – I wouldn't give up until an actual autism expert rules out the possibility!
dc2610, awesome. I experienced a bit of closed-mindedness with my external supervisor who I was seeing for any residual issues.Stuff I couldn't raise at work. I brought up Asperger's with her and she was resistant to even considering the possibility. She immediately dismissed it and changed the subject. I stopped seeing her for this reason - how could I ever feel comfortable raising any concerns I had if she was not open-minded? That is not a safe-space. I saw a specialist and he confirmed that I have Asperger's, so I am going to inform her one of these days. I find the situation hilarious because this psychologist actually did her research (PhD) on ostracism - it is one of her focus areas.
I have thrown "normal" out the window.