Mum - doesn't really have any friends. She's got no empathy, was unable to be empathetic or sympathetic towards me or my brother growing up
Mum's dad - Sick f**k who doesn't know the rules of society
Mum's mum - Probably NPD/HPD, I dunno, she's got no remorse and used to sleep around a lot pre 1970s, married 3 times.
Mum's sister - Possibly AS. She's always been reserved, quiet, doesn't say much, just says "yeah" to everything, doesn't see anyone except when she works, she was the oddball out of her siblings (my mum is the youngest of 5, she has 2 brothers, 2 sisters, so 3 girls and 2 boys)
Dad - Most likely AS, or some kind of personality disorder. He's racist, he doesn't know how to talk to people, angry, he sucks his thumb, eats his bogies, bites his toenails, he's a massive kid. Also very abusive, so I'm now f****d up with BPD because of it.
Dad's mum - Agoraphobia, again possibly AS. She doesn't know how to talk to people, a fuss is made about her, etc.
Dad's dad - We don't know his history, my dad was the result of an unwanted physical relationship...
Cousins on mum's side - 4 are possibly AS or ADHD. 1 cousin is DEFINITELY AS, no doubt about it. Another has eating disorder history, self harm, generally again very reserved, quiet, doesn't want to deal with society etc. I don't ever remember her having friends or anything.
That's about the only stretch I can think of in terms of AS traits.