Nightcry wrote:
amerikasend wrote:
Exposing yourself works wonders
She has a tendancy to yell.
If she found out I show the symptoms of an Aspie, she'd freak and make me stand in her beloved "Naughty corner"
But I think she's just afraid of it. When my old school's psyshyatrist told my Mum what she thought, she moved me to another school.
I have two severely autistic brothers so I'm thinking she's gotta be scared of it or something.
Can't you just get her to realize that you are old enough that you won't regress, etc... and that you have been ok at this time, and are ok with it? Obviously, there is nothing to be scared about. HECK, she could have had a "normal" daughter that was a GENIUS that could have a nasty accident and become a vegetable. She ought to be happy that you are who you are.