beneficii wrote:
Misery wrote:
It got derpier though. One thing I was really bad at was making it back to my locker to switch out books for the next class, and then actually making it to the class, in the silly FIVE or so minutes they give you to accomplish this. How was I supposed to do that in such a huge building filled with crowds? So I had the brilliant idea of just carrying them all at once, in my backpack that I dragged around.... likely this was the true cause of the back problems I would develop much later.
Did the exact same thing in high school, so much that I saw later that they mentioned it in my IEP, but none of them seemed to ask why I was doing that. They just saw it as a "problem" to be solved.
This is my son. One year they indicated that the fact that he wore his winter coat throughout the day was due to some social maladjustment or some kind of security blanket or psychological protective mechanism. He does have social issues, and although I didn't view it as an impossibility, it didn't seem like "him" either.
So, I asked him why he wore his coat all day.
He said it was because it was too hard for him to go to his locker between classes.
if I am to be completely honest, I am not sure he knows where his locker
is this year.
Due to security concerns (even though the school is very safe and in a very low crime area), kids are not allowed to carry backpacks around school. I got him a binder that has a strap on it and permission for him to carry one of those drawstring bags.
But back to the initial question...I was an academic underachiever until I got into the military. The imposition of high structure somehow snapped me out of it. I was at the top or second to the top in each and every training environment I was in. I went to college in the military and graduated with high honors, even though I didn't graduate with any type of honors in high school.
For my IQ and analytical skills, I think I am "underachieving" at work. There's just so much to struggle against with ADD. It doesn't leave me the bandwidth to participate at my full ability, I think.
Mom to 2 exceptional atypical kids
Long BAP lineage