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06 Apr 2014, 2:59 am

If I'm touched by someone who I'm not usually touched by, even if it's just brushing against them, then I will feel strange. However, even if I don't like it, I never refuse high fives or handshakes, even if I do have a thing about touching people.


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06 Apr 2014, 8:43 am

touching is weird indeed, as said, only people i'm attracted to are able to touch me without me recoiling.

i have, however, learned to 'disconnect' bodyparts for short amounts of time, so i can get trough the touches of meeting someone (handshake, hug, cheek-kisses...) without actually feeling them, a useful skill to have

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06 Apr 2014, 8:49 am

I have got better at accepting hugs and hand shakes over the years and now am not too bad with them. The kind of touch I detest the most is random nudges from people I don't know well or don't know at all. I was at a works do in a bar on Friday night and some random guy came up to me at the bar and kept nudging my arm and trying to chat me up even though I had made it clear that I wasn't interested in that. It infuriates me that people just assume everyone will be OK with having their personal space invaded. Also a colleague of mine will tap you with his foot to get your attention if he talks to you and you don't give a response straight away (due to tiredness or concentrating on another task)-that drives me mad too!


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06 Apr 2014, 10:51 am

SnowMaiden wrote:
they begin to think I was sexually molested as a kid :roll: (I wasn't!!). Can anyone relate?

I don't mind being touched in general.

With that said, I was once told by a "professional" that I must have been molested as a child because of my severe negative response to being tickled (I WILL forcefully kick someone or punch them if they tickle me). I think the person thought I had PTSD or something. For awhile I actually wondered if maybe I was molested and I just couldn't remember it. Then I learned about sensory issues and realized that my body perceives tickling much differently than other peoples' bodies must perceive it. Being tickled causes a guttural sense of panic in me. Similar to how I think I'd feel if someone was pulling me under water.

Regular touching does not bother me unless I am feeling otherwise overloaded. Then I find it annoying. Though I don't think it is the touch that annoys me as much as having someone in my personal space.

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06 Apr 2014, 11:33 am

I hate if if when some of my friends hugs me when greeting/saying good bye. That's really awkward and weird. Also touching when just chatting or so (for axaple: some women seem to have this habit of lightly touch other's arm when joking. I can't tolerate with that.), or walking too close to me.

But then in the other hand, when I'm just hanging with some friend of mine (like he's in my place or I'm in his) I'd like it very much if we could be close to each other while sitting on couch playing video games. (for example) It's some kind of longing for tenderness and endearment. I mean, I'd really LOVE it if I could just lean my head on my friend's shoulder. (Or maybe even stroke or cuddle each other a bit. But only with my best friend.) And it would be completely platonic. This urge is very precise: I like small, warm comfy spots. Like the corner of my couch, coated with pillows and blankets. And it would be lovely, if I'd have this kind of comfy space shared with a good freind of mine, so we would squeeze in that tiny spot closely right next to each other. (But somehow this applies only to other men. No matter how close some of my friend is, if they are a woman, I wouldn't want to squeeze in a tiny comfy space with them. idkw :scratch: )

But.. I think that'll never be true. NT's doesn't seem to work like that. They seem to like keeping a certain distance between their friends (excluding all those weird and awkward tiny touchings they seem to do so much :roll: ), and be physically close to each other only with their lovers. :(

Last edited by grainxs on 06 Apr 2014, 12:03 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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06 Apr 2014, 11:36 am

I rarely touch other people, and I also hate being touched.
I can tolerate a handshake or a hand on my shoulder, but everything else makes me cringe.