ShotgunRider wrote:
I don't smoke and have never done it. I've just never felt tempted to do it. NTs start it usually because of peer pressure. However, I have Asperger's, thus the idea of fitting in socially is irrelevant to me (I'm not trolling, this is just the way I see things).
My classmates have often tried to convince me to try a cigarette. but failed every time. I find it easy to refuse it, in fact it doesn't take me any willpower.
Anyway, I've never understood the point of smoking. It's an expensive habit which destroys your health. It makes no sense to me.
So, are people with ASDs less likely to smoke? Do you smoke?
You're an intelligent person, and your position is the right one.
You don't need to know if others with ASD smoke. All you need to know is that you don't want to because it's addictive and horribly harmful. Our bodies weren't made to take in dirty air, and there's no reason to.
Stay with your decision to be a non-smoker, and let the cancer-stick fiends do as they like.
On the other hand, if they try to get you to join them, you could always go on the offensive and convince them of all the reasons why only an idiot starts smoking in this day and age, and why they should not only quit trying to get others to join them, but stop smoking themselves. Do it right enough times, and they might end up leaving you alone.
Or better, they might stop smoking.
AQ 31
Your Aspie score: 100 of 200 / Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 101 of 200
You seem to have both Aspie and neurotypical traits
What would these results mean? Been told here I must be a "half pint".