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20 Apr 2014, 5:34 pm

I smoked a handful of times in 2011 and 2012, mainly just because I was curious as to see what it was like. No peer pressure involved, I figure that a few cigarettes or cigars won't kill you as long as you don't make a habit out of it. I found smoking actually quite enjoyable and I would have continued if it wasn't for the obvious health risks. I have ASD, I don't think it affected this situation either way really.


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20 Apr 2014, 5:36 pm

Eloa wrote:

It is not wrong to edit for clarity,
but is confusing,
but I do not imply that you hate smokers,
I just based on the argument,
and I do not understand in terms of doing harm to other people' s health,
that people driving a car should be less harming than people smoking a cigarette,
(this is my interpretation based on your arguments, but I realize that I make it up based upon your arguments)
but you do not drive as well,
but do you then think that people driving a car are jerks as well?

No, because this society requires most people to drive cars for work, and to have an active social and cultural life, but does not yet provide cheap cars which run on clean fuels.


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20 Apr 2014, 5:51 pm

Stannis wrote:
Eloa wrote:

It is not wrong to edit for clarity,
but is confusing,
but I do not imply that you hate smokers,
I just based on the argument,
and I do not understand in terms of doing harm to other people' s health,
that people driving a car should be less harming than people smoking a cigarette,
(this is my interpretation based on your arguments, but I realize that I make it up based upon your arguments)
but you do not drive as well,
but do you then think that people driving a car are jerks as well?

No, because this society requires most people to drive cars for work, and to have an active social and cultural life, but does not yet provide cheap cars which run on clean fuels.

You are right in that,
and it is sad that you are right in that.

English is not my native language, so I will very likely do mistakes in writing or understanding. My edits are due to corrections of mistakes, which I sometimes recognize just after submitting a text.


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20 Apr 2014, 5:55 pm

You can view this from another standpoint, not just as a behavioural habit. It's a form of self-medication.

Smoking gives the brain a dopamine hit. (The neurotransmitter that relieves the depressive feeling that come from low levels of dopamine in the brains of people who suffer from depression).

It also acts as a temporary relief for many from overwhelming anxiety. These are biochemical reactions. Morally, I don't see the difference between this and people who use other psychoactive substances (coffee for example) to modify inner states.


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20 Apr 2014, 6:03 pm

B19 wrote:
You can view this from another standpoint, not just as a behavioural habit. It's a form of self-medication.

Smoking gives the brain a dopamine hit. (The neurotransmitter that relieves the depressive feeling that come from low levels of dopamine in the brains of people who suffer from depression).

It also acts as a temporary relief for many from overwhelming anxiety. These are biochemical reactions. Morally, I don't see the difference between this and people who use other psychoactive substances (coffee for example) to modify inner states.

I think smoking is morally different because it's airborne and practically uncontainable.

Last edited by Stannis on 20 Apr 2014, 6:36 pm, edited 7 times in total.


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20 Apr 2014, 6:07 pm

I've never made a habit out of it but occasionally I'll smoke a cig or two to relax. I use to drink a lot more and would smoke more then.


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20 Apr 2014, 6:38 pm

I've been smoking on and off for many years. It calms me.

Last edited by Mikemi35 on 21 Apr 2014, 3:10 am, edited 1 time in total.


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20 Apr 2014, 6:52 pm

am thirty and have never put a cigarete in mouth in life [apart from eating the tasty chocolate ones when younger but then they got banned as aparently they encouraged people to smoke].
have never saw the point of smoking something that doesnt have any nice/positive effects like other drugs have,it only has addiction.

back in the day when had had beloved pet rats, many of them died from lung cancer,mum used the rats room as a smoking room as dad didnt want the wallpaper getting stained yellow eslewhere.
honestly think its more than a coincidence most rats died from lung cancer.

am not against smokers or drugs [legal or otherwise] as long as it does not negatively affect self and theyr arent being a nob,alcohol is the worst drug for to many people,shops shoud have a database of people who are heavy binge drinkers and alcoholics,and refuse them alcohol but give them a leaflet on getting help-the damage alcohol does to those of us with alcoholic relatives is incredible.

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20 Apr 2014, 6:57 pm

I don't smoke. I hate the smell of tobacco smoke.


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20 Apr 2014, 7:14 pm

smokers disgust me

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20 Apr 2014, 7:17 pm

I don't smoke. But my best friend, my mom, and my grandpa do. Whenever the air or heat turns on in the house you can smell the smoke coming up in the vents. Not pleasant. But to each their own.

AQ: 39 ---- RAADS-R: 187.0
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20 Apr 2014, 7:20 pm

ShotgunRider wrote:
I don't smoke and have never done it. I've just never felt tempted to do it. NTs start it usually because of peer pressure. However, I have Asperger's, thus the idea of fitting in socially is irrelevant to me (I'm not trolling, this is just the way I see things).
My classmates have often tried to convince me to try a cigarette. but failed every time. I find it easy to refuse it, in fact it doesn't take me any willpower.
Anyway, I've never understood the point of smoking. It's an expensive habit which destroys your health. It makes no sense to me.
So, are people with ASDs less likely to smoke? Do you smoke?

You're an intelligent person, and your position is the right one.

You don't need to know if others with ASD smoke. All you need to know is that you don't want to because it's addictive and horribly harmful. Our bodies weren't made to take in dirty air, and there's no reason to.

Stay with your decision to be a non-smoker, and let the cancer-stick fiends do as they like.

On the other hand, if they try to get you to join them, you could always go on the offensive and convince them of all the reasons why only an idiot starts smoking in this day and age, and why they should not only quit trying to get others to join them, but stop smoking themselves. Do it right enough times, and they might end up leaving you alone.

Or better, they might stop smoking.

AQ 31
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What would these results mean? Been told here I must be a "half pint".


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20 Apr 2014, 7:30 pm

B19 wrote:
You can view this from another standpoint, not just as a behavioural habit. It's a form of self-medication.

Smoking gives the brain a dopamine hit. (The neurotransmitter that relieves the depressive feeling that come from low levels of dopamine in the brains of people who suffer from depression).

It also acts as a temporary relief for many from overwhelming anxiety. These are biochemical reactions. Morally, I don't see the difference between this and people who use other psychoactive substances (coffee for example) to modify inner states.

There are other ways to deliver a medication that relieves depression/anxiety than smoking, which causes cancer and heart disease, and can even cause circulation problems that lead to fingers, toes and portions of limbs being amputated.

There are also other substances that can relieve depression/anxiety that aren't also horribly addictive and a natural pesticide, and aren't also a major ingredient in professional and over-the-counter pesticides.

If you need your mood altered that badly, I'd suggest going to a doctor, instead of filling your body with dirt and poisons.

AQ 31
Your Aspie score: 100 of 200 / Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 101 of 200
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What would these results mean? Been told here I must be a "half pint".


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20 Apr 2014, 7:38 pm

I would be lost without my nicotine and caffeine! I gave up cigs on 8 Apr 2013 and have vaped using an ecig since. I get more grief from people now that I've quit then when I smoked combustibles. Some days it is making me want to go out and get some real cigs just to piss them off. I do however feel much better not smoking cigs. What annoys me are the busybodies that insist on chastising others when they have habits that are as bad/annoying or worse. I can be outside vaping and one annoying neighbour lady will start hacking and coughing as soon as I start. Glaring at me and making snide comments. Lately I have been cranking the wattage just to annoy her further! Makes for some wicked clouds at the higher wattage! :twisted:

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20 Apr 2014, 7:56 pm

I'm allergic to the formaldehyde produced by cigarettes, it's a nuisance that people are allowed to stand around the outside of establishments and smoke infront of the door. It's like throwing an open bag if peanuts at someone with a peanut allergy! It's wrong. Cigarettes are bad for you and they can make some other people very sick. I've never desired to be anywhere near a cigarette and I'm glad to see people I know switching to vapor cigarettes


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20 Apr 2014, 8:15 pm

Mpregangel wrote:
I'm allergic to the formaldehyde produced by cigarettes, it's a nuisance that people are allowed to stand around the outside of establishments and smoke infront of the door. It's like throwing an open bag if peanuts at someone with a peanut allergy! It's wrong. Cigarettes are bad for you and they can make some other people very sick. I've never desired to be anywhere near a cigarette and I'm glad to see people I know switching to vapor cigarettes

Well if the politicians have their way, ecigs will become extinct. Between excessive taxation and sales restrictions and usage restrictions being placed on them, it will force many back to cigs. I get why they are doing it, they are protecting big pharma and their tax coffers at our expense. Not a day goes by these politicians aren't ram-rodding another law into existence with NO debate or input from citizens. It is disgusting. Sorry for the rant, but unless you are a person who uses these products you are probably oblivious to all the controversy and laws being enacted at breakneck pace with NO logical reasoning behind it. :evil: