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25 Jun 2014, 12:28 pm

Alan1980 wrote:
Before I posted my question on here I had posted the same question on yahoo answers. Here's the two responses I got :-(

The first one:
"I don't believe so. People with Aspergers get diagnosed early, around about 3-10 years old. In rare occassions they get diagnosed in adult hood. Online tests are bull ****. Throw that chance out the window, if you want a diagnose you have to get a doctor to diagnose you. And most self diagnosers fail. You do fit in all the categories though. Though you need to display these certain qualities to get diagnosed:

you have to be obsessed with something. most people with aspergers have something they are obsessed with. in the book house rules, jacob's obsession was with crime. Do you have an intense interest?

Avoid eye contact.

You have to be unsocial.

Also, if you weren't diagnosed at a young age with anything, might it be ADHD or OCD there are high chances you don't have it. You do display sympotoms of someone with the syndrome but unless your parents were blind as a bat and didn't not notice then you most likely don't have it. I recently found out I was very merely diagnosed with the syndrome myself. I was about 5-6 years old, I was shy, I didn't talk to people much at school, i didn't interact with the other children, i didn't attempt to make friends, i preferred to be by myself and I avoided eye contact. At first i laughed and shook my head. Then I realized, I did display the early symptoms a child of Aspergers would display. Little did they know what a little brat I could be at home! So i wasn't diagnosed (thank god). If you weren't like that as a child chances are you're either suffering from stress related problems, you have a different disorder (tho you don't really fit any others) or your just suffering from strange abnormal habits and assumed you have Aspergers. Self diagnoses are 90% wrong. Online especially! I tried to find out what was wrong with me, I ranged from Aspergers, bipolar, ADHD to border line disorder. But found I didn't actually suffer from any. I'm just a weird person. I don't need a diagnose or paper saying I have this. I'm me and I've accepted who I am, no matter how abnormal I am from the average teen. The boy who bullied you has probably brought on your low self esteem. I reckon if you were a more optimistic person you would breeze through job interviews and you'd find yourself with a job. Look at the bright side of things. Long story short, you don't have Aspergers. You can go to the doctors and say you did a Aspergers test online and got 44/50 but chances are he'll just laugh and say you're fine."

Here's the other one:
"Sounds more like an extreme dose of social awkwardness caused by a rather serious sounding case of ADD, if I were you i'd get that checked out to make sure you're not merely suffering from social anxieties brought on by being singled out at an early age for being awkward, I know a few cases that spiraled so far out of control it actually created serial killers. it's not a disorder or even insanity, merely an unfortunate sequence of events that spiraled way out of control, which is easier than it would seem, given how our society stigmatizes all manner of disability or disorder to the point of outright demonization.
Go see a doctor, try to sit through it, even if it scares you, the sooner you get this doublechecked the world over, the better your chances of having a peace of mind are."

The first one makes me sound like a crazy NT hypochondriac.

Honestly, they are completely wrong. I am 25 years old and got a Level 1/ Asperger's Diagnosis. Depending on your age, you probably were not diagnosed very young, because they did not know what AS was back then. In addition, if you were able to blend in as NT pretty well, that probably did not help very much either. All I know is that if you think that you have Autism, you should read as much as you can and if you relate to what you read, then.. if you want, you should seek a diagnosis. People on Yahoo answers may or may not know anything about ASD and they most certainly are not specialists.