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19 May 2014, 1:32 pm

Dreycrux wrote:
I do none of those things, who cares. I am not writing a scientific journal and wont change the world with these words. besides I would be arsed to read anyone's lengthly meticulous replies so who would read mine? I never quote people these days because arguments on the internet are pointless dribble. I just make my point and get out as fast as i can.

What is your point here?

And actually speech can and does affect people and so can change the world.

You seem to have a lot of conclusions about a lot of things. Many people tend to dismiss other people giving ideas contrary to their own as arguing. It can turn into arguing, sure, if people stick to their own pre conclusions and do not try to listen. Some of the most profound mind transforming and life changing ideas I have ever come across were in the beginning very new and alien. I have had to really kind of struggle to understand, but it can be really worth it, as it helps the mind develop. of course this is assuming the other person is not just talking gibberish.. Other times people can point something put and I just see it. That can be good, too.


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19 May 2014, 2:17 pm

People write long meticulous posts to fuel their "intelligent" ego's and they take themselves way to seriously in order to do so. Looking to constantly counter argue and pick apart eachother's post in an endless quote battle. They have way to much self image and protect their status on the boards or whatever.

Its okay to be silly, crazy, stupid and self humiliating sometimes. There is no personality on this board what-so-ever. People are so confined and locked into an immobile state of dry logic.

In order to prevent being blasted into the stone age by an asteroid we better start colonizing space as soon as possible.

Just look at the dinosaurs, they died out because they didn't have a space program.


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20 May 2014, 5:38 am

There is no personality on this board what-so-ever. People are so confined and locked into an immobile state of dry logic.

And yet you're still here.

Music Theory 101: Cadences.
Authentic cadence: V-I
Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I


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20 May 2014, 1:36 pm

Dreycrux wrote:

People write long meticulous posts to fuel their "intelligent" ego's and they take themselves way to seriously in order to do so.

I am no expert on the principles of logic, but what you have written is illogical in the sense that you are trying to apply something that is true in some instances and part of the time to all instances all of the time. Don't want to encourage that kind of mechanical thinking on here or anywhere as it is harmful to people.

Looking to constantly counter argue and pick apart eachother's post in an endless quote battle. They have way to much self image and protect their status on the boards or whatever.

Again, you are doing the same thing. You just may not be seeing individual people and circumstances because you have formed the habit of not doing that for whatever reason, to protect yourself, maybe from feeling pain.

Its okay to be silly, crazy, stupid and self humiliating sometimes. There is no personality on this board what-so-ever. People are so confined and locked into an immobile state of dry logic.

It is always fascinating to me when I see people on WP, and you are not the only one, complaining about the use of logic. ???? Right, don't use logic, ha ha:-) And actually there is nothing dry about logic. It is connected to the well spring of mental clarity which ultimately will loop into compassion. Personal I am always grateful for the opportunity to learn to think more clearly. If certain ideas or facts do not correlate, then that is a false correlation. Action based on false correlation is not intelligent..It may seem to work for a while, but eventually it will bring you down.

Below is a link to your comment to me on a thread I started, Autism And The Plastic Brain. You came on there and made this comment with nothing at all to back it up and really nothing to add at all that the thread was ridiculous. Many here have probably already read it, but those who haven't might be interested in reading my reply. Once a person thinks he knows sooo much then the mind is not flexible,and that's it, so the door into a wonderful great big wide world of possibility is closed and you are left on your own side not connected at all and thinking you are an authority. We all probably do it in some way. It is hard to simply see it, but it is a necessity if not even urgent..


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20 May 2014, 1:51 pm

Why can't we all just get along?

There's logic in getting along, really.

Even Syllogistic Logic.


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20 May 2014, 2:52 pm

Its the sad truth that no one likes to admit what they are really doing. Always covering up their true intentions to seem innocent.

If there was a way to outhink my disorders then I WOULD BLOODY WELL BE DOING THAT. it would be common knowledge. Over thinking is apart of all this crap so the more I think the worse its gets. Anxiety is a cruel b***h and the only thing to silence it is medication. Therapy only works for a bit and does not remove the mechanical feeling of anxiety in my brain it just deals with coping strategies.

In order to prevent being blasted into the stone age by an asteroid we better start colonizing space as soon as possible.

Just look at the dinosaurs, they died out because they didn't have a space program.

Last edited by Dreycrux on 20 May 2014, 3:30 pm, edited 9 times in total.


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20 May 2014, 2:53 pm

I don't post with perfect grammar, spelling, and punctuation or use big words in complex language, and I have my special words and phrases, and I don't edit much, and I don't have emotional responses and rarely use emoticons.

Drain and plane and grain and blain your brain, and then again,
Propane and butane out of the gas main, your blain shall sustain!


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20 May 2014, 2:58 pm

btbnnyr wrote:
I don't post with perfect grammar, spelling, and punctuation or use big words in complex language, and I have my special words and phrases, and I don't edit much, and I don't have emotional responses and rarely use emoticons.

You see...think i LIKE you. You sound like someone who doesn't give a s**t about protecting his image and just says what's on his mind.

In order to prevent being blasted into the stone age by an asteroid we better start colonizing space as soon as possible.

Just look at the dinosaurs, they died out because they didn't have a space program.


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21 May 2014, 3:18 pm

Dreycrux wrote:
btbnnyr wrote:
I don't post with perfect grammar, spelling, and punctuation or use big words in complex language, and I have my special words and phrases, and I don't edit much, and I don't have emotional responses and rarely use emoticons.

You see...think i LIKE you. You sound like someone who doesn't give a sh** about protecting his image and just says what's on his mind.

This is not about btbnnyr whom I also happen to like, but you seem to be saying that people are using complex words to protect their image. First, I don't really see people using language in such a complex way here on WP, though some are quite eloquent and I love it, but the main point is that maybe you just can't understand some of these so-called complex words and either do have the the capacity to be able to understand complex material because you have never developed that quality of attention or whatever and/or perhaps you think you know most of everything and so do not even try to see something in a new way that might require thinking about it and/or maybe you are just saying this to protect your own image that you understand most of everything and reinforce the feeling that you yourself are actually superior to this other kind of people.

Now is what I am saying complex??? You obviously are capable of understanding it, right? And are you thinking I am writing this because I feel superior to you, and the function of writing this is to reinforce that feeling of superiority? What if the idea being expressed is deemed important? Ever hear of learning? And you know WP isn't just about you and all for you, right? Maybe someone else reading here will get something out of it.


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21 May 2014, 7:02 pm

I am so surprised and frusturated that people dont agree with me when I say it like it is, your all afraid of looking wonder why I live in my own world. I hate when my posts are picked apart as if I need to be taught some better way of thinking. I am happy with how i think and i wont change to appease people, yuck I'd rather be alone. I'm just making a statement so it doesn't mean I'm wrong if you don't agree to it. It will always be right in my head unless I actually feel I am mistaken. I won't explain away my posts because I don't need to prove my logic to anyone. I will make my point and then get out.

In order to prevent being blasted into the stone age by an asteroid we better start colonizing space as soon as possible.

Just look at the dinosaurs, they died out because they didn't have a space program.


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21 May 2014, 7:11 pm

The only reason I post *anything* is because I enjoy writing.

If I use "big words," or proper punctuation/grammar, it's because writing is second nature to me, not because I'm trying to project a certain image. I just write well; it would take effort on my part NOT to write well. I like words and they like me.

I debate with people when I'm in the mood to debate with people. When I don't, I refrain.

"If we fail to anticipate the unforeseen or expect the unexpected in a universe of infinite possibilities, we may find ourselves at the mercy of anyone or anything that cannot be programmed, categorized or easily referenced."

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21 May 2014, 11:57 pm

Dreycrux wrote:
btbnnyr wrote:
I don't post with perfect grammar, spelling, and punctuation or use big words in complex language, and I have my special words and phrases, and I don't edit much, and I don't have emotional responses and rarely use emoticons.

You see...think i LIKE you. You sound like someone who doesn't give a sh** about protecting his image and just says what's on his mind.

That's always been me. and it's actually ended up giving me a very good image. to me the most intelligent, insightful and informative people here, are the ones who are down to earth and concise. They write in such a way a kid can understand it and a professor would approve of it. One paragraph is all you should need to make your point most of the time.


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22 May 2014, 12:41 am

Norny wrote:
I'm just curious..

If you are a poster that does (not necessarily all) the following:

+ Posts with proper grammar and punctuation
+ Edits and/or previews post (before posting) extensively
+ Utilizes a vast expanse of lengthy, complex words from vocab
+ Posts void of emoticons and/or emotional response

I try to post with proper grammar and punctuation because otherwise it would not be proper.
I edit and preview my posts before posting and sometimes after because ^ see above comment.
I do not have a vast expanse of lengthy complex words to utilize. I have to look up words a lot.
I prefer animal emoticons to those little yellow faces that make everyone seem like they have little yellow smiling faces. :albino: :pig: :cat:


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22 May 2014, 2:09 am

I use most of my effort trying to make sure my word choice accurately conveys my thoughts. Grammar is way down on my list of priorities, I just try to make things readable. I do use shorthand and emoticons, the former helps spare my joints, the latter helps convey my thoughts where words fail me. Plus, quite frankly, I love emoticons. I do use jargon when its relevant, but I mostly find myself using big words, when I feel the need to be as specific in meaning as possible. Big words often have only one usage, and therefore people can't assume I was using an offensive usage, when I wasn't. Not to mention semantics arguments.

I was in an ASD group once where I found myself doing just what you described. The members there were so sensitive about grammar and so literal that it was hard to compose a message. That was not a good environment for me, I felt as if I was constantly walking on eggshells, and when I couldn't find the proper way to say something, I was unable to participate.

"Be kind to one another" -Ellen Degeneres


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22 May 2014, 4:36 am

I'm in my early 30s and growing up in the middle of nowhere in the US, English language was taught to me in phonics, sentence diagramming, and the works. I'm bilingual in terms of spoken languages and being that my parents didn't speak English too well at the time of my primary schooling, pretty much ALL of my learning related to English language came from my school.

I learned it well and... I learned it TOO well (language was one of my special interests growing up) and it literally got 'stuck' and never left and one of the earliest 'strange' things my teachers commented on to my parents was the over formality of both speech and writing. This later carried into my adult life and I HAVE tried to 'get rid of it' but haven't been able to at all. Perhaps it's no surprise, then, that my dX as an adult is SCD as opposed to what would have been PDD-NOS if I had gotten an official dX in my youth.

I have trouble with pragmatics and have always had trouble with pragmatics to the point of being frustrated to meltdowns because of communication troubles that have inevitably come up.

I get told that I'm 'fronting', 'being fake', 'being too good', 'looking down on others', 'copping an attitude' etc ad nauseum and I'M NOT. I don't WANT to. I don't DESIRE to. It ISN'T my intention. I simply want to communicate in the best way that I know how and am comfortable with.

It's not fun to be accused those things and I've dealt with that sort of teasing and bullying for my lifetime.

When you're a kid, other kids jeer at you and tease you and call you names and try and make you feel even more socially stupid than you already feel. At the end all be all, that's not so bad.

When you're an adult, other adults think you're talking down to them and when authority figures are concerned, it can mean BIG trouble like... police pulling you over and then accusing you of giving 'attitude' trouble when you politely inquire about the ticket you are getting. Doctors treat you coldly because they think you're trying to be smarter than them when the only thing you're trying to do is explain as best as you can how you feel!

Seriously, it's not fun and it's not about my 'image', it's simply pretty much the only way that I know how to communicate. If I'm not like this, then I'm nonverbal and not very expressive with thoughts milling about my head at what feels to be at the speed of light. Too many to catch, too many to follow, too many things that are trying to get my attention.

I suspect that the 'chaos' in my head only served/serves to further aggravate my tendency for formal speech.

That said, you'd think that by now, if I could, I WOULD have gotten rid of it somehow if only to save me some grief and as such, as someone with a communication disorder, I feel a little offended that 'formal speech' is almost automatically categorized as someone trying to manipulate appearances and 'front' another persona. :(


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22 May 2014, 4:41 am

Very interesting mix of opinions here.

I never intended a war to breakout though, nor was I attempting to imply that any typing style was 'wrong'. ;P

Unapologetically, Norny. :rambo:
-chronically drunk