I'm really sick of attacks against NT's here
I agree with you, but as you said, that is the nature of human beings. It's in the nature of humans to be at least a little suspicious of who is different from them. When "a little suspicious" gets worse and turns into "bigoted, ignorant, intolerant" here's what happens.This goes for NTs as well as for autistics.
I see what you mean about HFA kids treating lower-functioning kids like crap. Once a user on this forum who was clearly higher-functioning than me wrote something on the line of "well, if I could make it, then every other autistic person can make it, even the lowest-functioning ones! It's just a matter of will, and if you can't make it you're not actually autistic but just a lazy NT"
What f*cking logic is that, you may ask. I asked myself the same thing.
Someone may say, "but autistics face real discrimination by NTs, NTs don't!"
I know it is rarer, but what about people who have been treated unfairly by non-NTs?
There is a kid I used to know that was misdiagnosed with ADHD in his childhood even if he was just a normally hyper NT kid; they put him in a special class where kids used to bully him because he was different. Or what about disabled kids who get bullied by other disabled kids? I have heard about this happening as well, and it has happened to myself.
Most disabled people I have known were very sweet and kind, but some of them were just as mean as the NT bullies.
There seems to be a general consensus that NTs lack brains, that they are social creatures that lack intellectual ability. NTs apparently can't think for themselves, are all selfish, and waste their time socializing. In reality, NTs are just as intelligent as AS counterparts, and are in no way more selfish. NTs are not part of some mindless hivemind either. Socializing may be seen as a waste of time for some autistics, though it can produce the greatest feelings in the world for NTs.
"I'm bad and that's good. I'll never be good and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be than me."
Wreck It Ralph
NT are 99% of the people ? So, generally 100% of the people that "bother/harass/torture/bully" us are not ASD.
Many of us may have never met an ASD person, or got to know one that well to know if they are mean.
So, we are suppose to imagine a hypothetical mean ASD person, and then rationalize that this hypothetical person is just as mean
and proportionally numerous as the non-ASD people who abused us our whole lives ?
After a failure, the easiest thing to do is to blame someone else.
To be frankly it does not matter what psychological condition you're suffering from, everyone is the same so I have to agree with EzraS. I do not really understand these conflicts, if you're judging NT's for something personal that has occured you, then that is your fault for not accepting the fact that there are 8 billion humans on this planet. You've simply enough met the wrong ones, just a coincedense.
There seems to be a general consensus that NTs lack brains, that they are social creatures that lack intellectual ability. NTs apparently can't think for themselves, are all selfish, and waste their time socializing. In reality, NTs are just as intelligent as AS counterparts, and are in no way more selfish. NTs are not part of some mindless hivemind either. Socializing may be seen as a waste of time for some autistics, though it can produce the greatest feelings in the world for NTs.
Agreed I love this idea
Autism Service Dogs - Everyday heroes
many people spend their live looking for a hero
My autism service dog IS my hero
No we are not all the same, and yes every person is an individual regardless of their neurological wiring. But the whole point and purpose of this forum is that most of us here have significant, clinically diagnosable differences from other people.
I am still trying to understand WHY I am so different, WHY the overwhelming vast majority of people (aka "neurotypicals") are different from me, and HOW to live those differences without letting the majority of people steamroller right over me. I need to use categories and labels and generalizations to understand, and I don't want to speak for anyone else here but I figure that is what most of us are trying to do when we talk about NTs. Maybe some of you who were diagnosed at a young age don't need that as much, but some of us do.
I haven't seen many generalized attacks against NTs here, and I haven't seen ANY personal attacks made on an individual NT poster...granted I only read maybe 2% of the entire forum but I do tend to read the threads about NTs. I have seen several threads where people make perfectly reasonable statements about what makes NTs different from autistic people, sometimes even stating up front that they are just hypothesizing or guessing...and a few people will immediately misinterpret the comments and start complaining that people are attacking or judging NTs and being unfair. So for me the first thing that comes to mind is, perhaps whatever was said wasn't intended as an attack.
Now I have no idea what prompted this particular thread, but I have definitely noticed a trend on this forum of people starting threads to complain about what "some people" do on other threads. I haven't seen anything quite like this on other forums, so I don't know, I'm beginning to wonder if it's an autistic thing, or a Wrong Planet thing...but you see how that works? You notice a trend and begin to associate it with a group of people, rather than the specific individuals who do it...except, I do happen to remember which individuals repeatedly start threads to complain.
It's funny though, how that categorizing thing works, because when you make your category really vague, and you don't indicate who or what you are talking about, it could be practically anybody. It could be 2 people, or it could be half the forum, or almost the entire forum, but who knows really because none of us can read the OP's mind.
When you address a complaint like this to an entire forum, it is almost like you are doing the same thing you are complaining about: tarring everyone with the same brush, and criticizing a vague, generalized group of people, rather than addressing the specific people or comments that you take issue to.
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People who have been hurt by NTs make two basic logical errors: They assume that other NTs are like the NTs who hurt them, and they assume that autistic people do not also behave that way.
In fact, we are just as capable of being abusive, bullying, harassing each other, as NTs are. But on the other hand, just like we are capable of being kind, compassionate, and loving, so are NTs. That's part of being human. Don't give up on your faith in humanity--but remember that nobody's perfect, and that some people have decided, little by little, to become hateful enough that it's best to simply avoid them. Giving people the benefit of the doubt doesn't need to mean giving them the chance to hurt you once you know they are capable of it.
This is all true, but what is not true is that people generalizing NTs are not making a logical error. They are using a rhetorical tool called "metonymy" which is logically valid. For example, using "Hollywood" to refer to the film industry or "the government" to refer to the house, the senate, the supreme court, the president, the vice president, etc. Or using NTs to refer to some NTs.
Anyway, no one here is going to make NTs' lives harder by complaining about NTs. No one's going to foment oppression or hatred or discrimination against NTs by venting about NTs.
On the other hand, many people on this forum have probably experienced all of these things at the hands of NTs. And as for autistic people being just as bad: Definitely. Autistic people are exactly as hateful and spiteful and prejudiced and likely to spew discriminatory hate speech as anyone else - and on this forum, so very many do.
Strangely, I never see anyone complaining about racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. around here. It's always about how the poor NTs are being victimized by autistic people.
My view is people are people where all human and except fir some problems people have due to conditions or disability they should be judged on what they do not their neurology. I have had really good NT people and at the same time bad ones abd the same goses for AS why my biggest bully was somebody on the spectrum and my second an NT. Point aside people our people its like this shooting, it's the person not the group. I like anybody NTor AS, I just worry more though about acceptance from NT's genrally.
Many of us may have never met an ASD person, or got to know one that well to know if they are mean.
So, we are suppose to imagine a hypothetical mean ASD person, and then rationalize that this hypothetical person is just as mean
and proportionally numerous as the non-ASD people who abused us our whole lives ?
in my reality 99% of the people i was surrounded by most of my life were ASD So, generally 100% of the people that "bothered/harassed/tortured/bullied" me were not NT.
I was beaten up three times by ASD kids.
I was slugged in the mouth twice by ASD kids.
I was clubbed in the back of my head with a rock by an ASD kid in kindergarten and had to get stitches.
I have never been physically assaulted or abused by an NT kid.
And....the only person who has ever bullied me on my basically NT forums has Aspergers.
This is all factual, not hypothetical
Last edited by EzraS on 29 May 2014, 9:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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EzraS, I have mostly reacted to NT-bashing and its other side, the presumption of innocence on the part of autistic people by shaking my head at the lengths to which people will go to support their preconceptions. I'd thought about writing a post about it, but it probably wouldn't have had as good an effect as this thread with the way you approached the topic.
Verdandi, rhetoric and logic don't always peacefully coexist, and there's a difference between referring to a group by a convenient label and using the word "is" to make identity statements about that group. Also, people complain about everything around here, and I've joined others in fighting back against all the discrimination I've seen. I did stay my hand when confronted with racism coming from a trans person on here, but that probably resulted from an overload of other stresses at the time rather than transphobia.
Many of us may have never met an ASD person, or got to know one that well to know if they are mean.
So, we are suppose to imagine a hypothetical mean ASD person, and then rationalize that this hypothetical person is just as mean
and proportionally numerous as the non-ASD people who abused us our whole lives ?
in my reality 99% of the people i was surrounded by most of my life were ASD So, generally 100% of the people that "bothered/harassed/tortured/bullied" me were not NT.
I was beaten up three times by ASD kids.
I was slugged in the mouth twice by ASD kids.
I was clubbed in the back of my head with a rock by an ASD kid in kindergarten and had to get stitches.
I have never been physically assaulted or abused by an NT kid.
And....the only person who has ever bullied me on my basically NT forums has Aspergers.
In my case I have been bullied allot more by NT's even though my biggest bully was an AS girl, still as I said in the prior post this is down to the personnot the neurology.
I think sometimes we can misinterpret non-malevolent generalizations for malevolent ones. I don't have anything major against NTs. There may be a small number of characteristics where I like aspies more but there are many where I like NTs more. I have criticized both at times, and that does not mean I hate either. Nor was I trying to be malevolent towards either. We need to relax on this and not automatically assume that what seems like prejudice is with malevolent intention.
Judging NTs in my opinion is no better than judging us for ASD. Just like you cannot determine that all people with ASDs have only specific sets of traits, not all NTs have the same set of traits. Also, since NTs consist of about 99% of the population as LoveNotHate mentioned, there is going to be an even larger variation in NT traits. Sure, I've met NTs who have mocked me and told me that I would never find a boyfriend. Yet there have been others who have supported me and have never judged harshly (my two good friends for example!). By distancing ourselves from NTs, we're missing out on the good they can do for us.
“Oh - You're a very bad man!
Oh, no my dear. I'm a very good man. I'm just a very bad Wizard.”
― L. Frank Baum, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
that's what i think. now of course if i had been in regular school my whole life, then just about all of my bullying would have been done by NT kids. if there was like 5 asd kids in the school we would probably all stick together and eat lunch in some corner by ourselves and be known as the weirdo ret*d bunch.
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I'm an aspie and I can be a right twat sometimes.
Sometimes I mean it and sometimes I don't.
Most of the people I work with have ADHD, I'm not sure if they are NT or not but they are amongst some of the nicest people anyone would ever wish to meet.
People are just people at the end of the day.
I give most people at least one chance, regardless of how their brains are wired up.
@Esra: You are a good person, try not to allow other peoples negativity bring you down.
NT bashing is something that will probably always go on on this forum, it's just the way it is unfortunately.
We have existence