Any loud vehicle siren, car horns tooting, and really loud motorbikes all upset me when I'm out.
I don't mind so much when a fire engine/police car/ambulance is coming along with it's siren already on, although it is still loud and makes my ears squeak, but it is bearable. What I can't bear is when one is coming along with it's blue lights flashing, because it means the siren could sound any minute, and I absolutely loathe that shocking feeling of jumping out of your skin, even if I'm aware that a sudden loud sound may occur, I still get really jumpy. I always really quickly get my phone out and pretend to be ''answering'' it, and putting my finger in my other ear (the ear nearest to the siren vehicle), so that I can cover my ears discreetly without it looking obvious. I know some other Aspies criticise me for worrying of what others think, but I really don't like looking Autistic in public, I like to hide it as much as I can.
Car horns upset me because it is unpredictable. If somebody who knows me bibs their car horn as they pass, it makes me uncomfortably jump but it's nice to be acknowledged, so I give a friendly wave. But if somebody just bibs their car horn for no reason, that's what annoys me more. Often I've been walking along a very quiet street with no people or cars about, and one car comes along and suddenly bibs it's horn really unnecessarily loud, and I look up at the car to see if I know the people inside but they're not waving or even looking at me, and I just walk along feeling angry and wondering why they would just make such a din when not necessary. Perhaps seeing people jump out of their skins is entertaining for them....until it happens to them.
I hate those loud motorbikes. I have a friend who says the louder the motorbike the more she loves it. I disagree. Yes, the motorbike may look nice, but I really dislike the noise. If I'm near somebody revving a really loud motorbike, I get all nervy and even frightened of the noise, and kind of stand there kind of screwing my face up in discomfort.