Lumi wrote:
Took the quiz and I'm Nightcrawler. favorite character
Me too, and same!
I don't think WP is like Professor X's school, though... I mean, it's more of a hangout. We swap ideas and stories; we don't really teach each other formally. Not that I haven't learned a lot here.
Actually, come to think of it, maybe lecturing at each other the way we do here is exactly the way an autistic person learns best. It's text-only, nonthreatening, done on your own time. Hmm.
We're not mutants with special powers (well, technically I suppose mutants, since autism must've come from some mutation somewhere back; and technically, yeah, we have splinter skills... but we're not superhuman, anyway)... But the metaphor of the mutant as someone who has a lot to contribute, but is ostracised because people fear or hate their differences, is something that autistic people--and most minority groups--can definitely relate to.