SyAn wrote:
This tallies with my experience, still, most people are interested in a wider circle than I am, and they especially prefer their 'circle of interest' to be contemporary rather than historical figures.
It's funny. I figured once I began reading those aforementioned biographies (on founding fathers, presidents) that I would have something interesting and compelling to talk to others about. This was
before I learned about Aspergers and realized that there was a reason I wasn't connecting with people. I just figured I had nothing interesting to say. And, this would provide me with something interesting to talk about.
The strategy, of course, didn't work. For several reasons:
1. I never figured out how to bring up the topic with others (that I was actually reading these books). I am not certain why, but it seems hard to bring up topics with others.
2. The few instances I did bring it up (with the couple of people I consider friends), they changed the subject almost immediately.
3. Most importantly, my recall of the content of the books was not great (as they contained way too many details to interpret, process and remember). I would have had to read each several times (and take notes) to intelligently discuss them.