Do you work in a full time job? (poll)

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Do you work in a full time job?
Yes I work full time 38%  38%  [ 50 ]
I work part time 21%  21%  [ 27 ]
I am not working at this time but I hope to be working full time in the not too distant future 3%  3%  [ 4 ]
I am not working at this time but I hope to be working part time in the not too distant future 11%  11%  [ 15 ]
I am too young to work - but I expect I will be when I get a bit older 4%  4%  [ 5 ]
I am too young to work - but I expect I will not be able to hold down a regular job due to my autism 1%  1%  [ 1 ]
I am not working now and it is unlikely that I will be able to work in the foreseeable future 22%  22%  [ 29 ]
Total votes : 131


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06 Aug 2014, 1:13 pm

I worked almost full time in Montana and it was exhausting and sometimes stressful if it was real busy and got late in the day. I put it down to laziness because I knew it was because I liked having free time and because I wasn't going to be getting much of it, I was feeling stressed. Now I know from being here that was not the case and I was just hard on myself but I am glad I didn't know then or else I may not have pushed myself. Then I moved to Oregon and worked full time and knew I would have to get used to it. I worked swing shift and I still had free time before work, always got up at ten, came home at midnight and went to bed at two AM. Then I worked day time and always came home around six pm while in the morning I only had an hour to myself before work. Even then my husband says I couldn't handle it but I think I did. I lived on routine and kept it that way to remain calm and my husband thought for a while I was going to break up with him because he felt I was ignoring him.

Now I work part time and no way can I work full time right now due to my mental health and I have kids now so that adds to it. Without them, I will be able to do it still.

Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.

Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.


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06 Aug 2014, 1:22 pm

I work fulltime hours but I have been fired from nearly every job I've had.

The last time I got fired was march 2013. I've been in my current job since last November and I'm really trying hard.

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06 Aug 2014, 1:41 pm

I'm in between a couple of the options. I work part-time and expect to be working full-time in the near future


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06 Aug 2014, 1:46 pm

Is it a tabboo by the way to walk about salary? I know alot of aspies get underpaid. For a start :
When i work the exact amount of hours that's in my contract, i usually get paid about 2000 euro's (with about -24% going to taxes and pension)

When i work fulltime (152+ hours per 4 weeks) i get paid about 2500 euro, which is about 3338 USD. I have a permanent contract
Working in the security is easy money eh? it mostly consists of driving around in the car and doing nothing.. :lol: The only downside is that i get to work at night on christmas eve and 31 dec / 1 januari sometime.

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06 Aug 2014, 1:49 pm

I'm working full-time at the moment, but I'll have to start looking for a new job soon. Short contract.


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06 Aug 2014, 2:11 pm

I am the 33% in that poll that is in full time employment.
However I have never been in a relationship nor have I ever lived an independent life away from home.

That is the the way life on the spectrum is we all get hit with different difficulties to different degrees.

An interesting poll would be how many in full time Jobs living independent also in a loving relationship.


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06 Aug 2014, 3:19 pm

I have a part time job but unfortunately over the last few years have had several lengthy absences on account of my poor mental health. I was on the brink of losing my job when I went off sick in March because my employer (who have been supportive throughout) could not sustain this level of absence because it was affecting the service we provide and other team members. However as I have worked there for some years and was successful at my job prior to my first major shutdown in sept 2010 they agreed not to fire me and instead let me have 18 months career break. This stabilises the service as they can now plan ahead without wondering if I'll be there or not, and allows me a good long period to work solely on improving and stabilising my mental health and to redevelop the coping strategies I have lost. At the end of the 18 months the plan is currently that I return to my old job, but there may be factors either for the employer or for me that would mean an alternative job within the same organisation may be offered instead.

So currently not working, but will be working part time in the future.

Female. Dx ASD in 2011 @ Age 38. Also Dx BPD


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06 Aug 2014, 3:20 pm

I selected "I am not working at this time but I hope to be working part time in the not too distant future."

I have worked full time in the past. This is a summary of my employment history:

I did not work prior to college, although I had a few scattered babysitting jobs starting in middle school.

For the first two years of college (University), I worked part-time in the dinning commons as a student drone; I quit that job during the summer after my second year. I quit mainly because my student supervisors all graduated and I really didn't get on with some of the people who were promoted in their place, but I also quit because my life was getting too stressful and I couldn't handle a job on top of school and everything else. I just took out more loans. :-/ During this time, I lived in the dorms and attended a university a few hundred miles from my hometown.

A few months after graduating with a B.A., I got a full-time job doing something tangentially related to my degree. My supervisor for that position was also the person who got me the job; he's someone who knew my mom in high school and who had reconnected with her in adulthood. I had known him personally for about a year prior to starting work there. I quit that job after almost exactly one year because I had a breakdown from stress. At this time, I was living with my dad and younger brother in my hometown.

Soon after that, my mom's boyfriend got me a full-time, temporary job doing something completely unrelated to my degree; my mom's boyfriend was my direct supervisor for that job. I worked there for about three months, covering for a woman who was on medical leave. I couldn't have lasted much longer than three months at that job, anyway; I was really hurting from the stress. At this time, I was living with my mom in a town I had never lived in before.

A couple of months later, I moved to another new town to live with siblings and work for my father. My older sister was his office manager, and she was going on maternity leave; dad decided that I was a good person to have cover for her. I worked at dad's office for about three months. I'm really glad no one expected me to work there for longer, because I really couldn't handle the stress.

I didn't work for the next two years, although my resume says that I was working as a "nanny," which is kind of true because I was living with my older sister and her husband, helping them with the new baby in exchange for room and board. Looking back, I'm pretty sure my sister was just being nice and letting me pretend to have a reason to stay there instead of going back out into a working world that was clearly killing me, though; they didn't need a nanny, because her husband couldn't find work and was home. I think he was deeply offended by me being there, but I didn't understand all of this at the time.

My sister stopped being able to afford to keep me after about two years, and so I started doing work for my mom, who does freelance webdesign. That was not good... I experienced a severe shut down during this time and completely stopped responding to her clients. One of her clients called her to find out if I was ok, because it had been over a week since I responded to her email and I'm usually online every day... and that's how mom found out I'd stopped keeping up with the work... we ended that work agreement and I went into a deeper depression.

A few months later, my dad got me a job with one of his client companies. I worked full-time for them for almost exactly one year and ten months. I was able to move out into an apartment of my own during this time, where I currently live. I was fired from that job for "insubordination" about a month and a half ago, and now I am home and receiving unemployment benefits.

I really should be trying to find a full-time job, and I am applying for full-time jobs when I see some that interest me, but what I'm really hoping for is to find myself in a situation where I only have to work part time. This might happen soon, because my boyfriend is probably moving in with me within the next two months and he agrees that full-time work isn't good for me. :)

Last edited by AmethystRose on 06 Aug 2014, 4:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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06 Aug 2014, 3:52 pm

I work part time. Sometimes I feel like I'm being lazy, because some people seem to think that just because you're young you can do everything and anything, and if you had depression or a breakdown some think that you should be able to get over it, and that there is no excuse for a young person to work part time, unless you have kids.

But luckily where I work, there's a couple of other people there who suffer from anxiety, and a few people have other conditions (that are not ASD or anxiety), and so there seems to be more of an understanding of people's personal circumstances. So I guess I'd say that I'm pretty lucky really.

When I first started at my job (which was at the end of 2012), I felt I didn't like it. I thought maybe I will come to like it in a few months, but 10 months later I was still feeling miserable and kept on wanting to leave. But then after about 11-12 months (a whole year of being there), I sort of settled down at last, and realised that it's not all bad. It's only 3 days a week cleaning in a care home. It's quite an Aspie-friendly environment, because you are not dealing with the public, the residents generally look up to you and don't really judge you, and there are no loud noises that are enough to make me anxious, like bells going off unpredictably. I remember when I done work experience in a small supermarket, there was a really loud bell in the warehouse what rang whenever there was deliveries. There was no exact time, as deliveries were all day, so I had no idea when it would ring. So I couldn't relax when in the warehouse, and so kept on demanding to work in the actual shop instead of in the warehouse. I felt too embarrassed to say it was because I was afraid of the bell, because whenever I have told anyone about being anxious about bells, people always got annoyed and critical. I think I have a phobia of bells, what is beyond a sensory issue, and that is why I could not relax working somewhere where a bell could ring at any moment.



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06 Aug 2014, 4:06 pm

I've worked in computers/maths work for 25 yeare. Never been fired, but there have been some stressful moments where the work has become more "managerial" or when I've felt I've been under pressure to deliver stuff outside my comfort zone - when those have happened, I've tended to look for a new job and move on pretty quick before I get "found out"


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06 Aug 2014, 4:30 pm

I'm not working and don't expect to be at this point. I even sucked horribly at a workstudy job I attempted in college.

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06 Aug 2014, 4:39 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
But at least you have your swimming and your animals.

And WrongPlanet.

thanks kraftie :) ,very true-am baby sitting two cats in september, the old folks are buggering off back to ireland for a week.
the cats are mine anyway but havent lived with them for years.

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06 Aug 2014, 6:09 pm

KingdomOfRats wrote:
have never worked and will always be unable to work, there arent specialist sheltered jobs here anymore.

Isn't raising chickens and being an activist work?

You've raised enough awareness here to make a huge difference,


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06 Aug 2014, 6:18 pm

I wasn't sure what to select for "two part-time jobs, one of which is online and only three-quarters of the year."

To specify: I teach courses online for my local university (three Criminal Justice classes) in Fall and Spring semesters only. I work part-time at Walmart (cashier) to make sure my income is what it needs to be.

I don't think I could handle full-time at Walmart. I'd like to think I could teach full-time.

So--a "three-quarters full-time job"? :shrug:

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06 Aug 2014, 6:19 pm

I was hired for part time but they ended up scheduling me full time before I quit. My mom's friend got me an interview for a part time position at the library. It actually sounds kind of fun. Yay.


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06 Aug 2014, 7:01 pm

Hi Margarita,

When I was 18, I worked at a medical library--man, that was fun! I used to read about genetic disorders when I didn't have to work.

I hope you get this job--it seems ideal to you!