Graelwyn wrote:
Just curious... I have noted quite a few aspies who have had, like myself, an interest in Serial killers and such things, most likely the psychological aspects...and I have always had some strange interest in such things as the Titanic and Hillsborough and other such disasters including tsunamis and hurricanes... I especially liked looking at the imagery and reading any firsthand accounts.
Has anyone else had interests, particularly obsessive ones, in crime or disasters, and if so, why do you think this is? I am still trying to work out why these things have always interested me...whether it is a way of getting in touch with human emotions and empathy, some perverse part of myself or just the dramatic element?
Me too! But I have no idea why. I read somewhere in a book about AS that many aspies have a fascination for death.
Don´t know if it´s true but that´s what the book said.
Just bought a book about crime/serial killers (mainly photos).
So why is it so very interesting? Not sure, but we´re all born the same way and we´re all helpless infants at one point, so what makes a person grow up to be a calculating predator? That´s interesting!