How many weeks ago did this start? If it were me, I'd try to piece together everything I was doing and everything that was happening to me around the time it started, however insignificant any of it may seem.
You may have been exposed to a level of chemical that your body can't tolerate, something from an animal you were near, you may be exposed to a high level of EMF or a new source of it in your home or work area, you may have developed an allergy to something that didn't use to bother you and one exposure too many is now causing a reaction, and it could be something emotional that your body is having a hard time dealing with. It sounds like you're in a pretty stressful time right now. FasterEFT might offer some options.
Every (good) practitioner I go to for fatigue has wanted as detailed a history as possible to help them narrow down what type of direction to go, with modalities and testing. There's only so much testing a person can really afford to do. It helps to know a range of likely culprits.
If it turns out that you can find no traceable link to any likely precipitating factor, that in itself can be useful.
Being a night-owl myself, I was surprised to find out that a tendency to staying up late can indicate hormonal imbalances:
Many people who feel wired at night, or claim to be night owls suffer from hormone imbalances, often cortisol related.
Some find this type of quiz helpful (to maybe sort out whether Adrenal Fatigue is the issue): ... tigue-quizHope you find the answers you need.
Thanks for the link to the quiz, that site was very interesting and the quiz indicates that adrenal fatigue is my problem. I would have liked to buy the herbal supplements they were selling but they were expensive and money is tight at the moment. I've done some research though and found that licorice root is the key ingredient in these kind of supplements. This is cheap to buy from ebay so I've ordered some in powder form. I'll update after I try it if it helps at all.