squier wrote:
alex wrote:
they showed a lot of clips of it on national tv and it's giving people the wrong idea!! ! we're not like that ! This organization says "1 in 150 have autism" which is true.... But more than half of those people are high functioning despite the fact that Autism Speaks will make you believe otherwise!! (the NIH says 1 in 300 have aspergers which is already half even if you don't count all the HFAs). This Autism Speaks organization is using us to get lots of donations from the American public. The American public is starting to think what i just posted *is* autism.
i just did a poster on AS in health class. the stats i found were different
what i got (from some goverment website) said 1 in 150 have autism and 1 in 2,000 have AS
what i am curious about is if your saying that they are giving the wrong perspective, if they are saying something you appreciate. or what?
no hard feelings or anything, i'm just trying to understand
NIH website:
http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articl ... id=1124717
"This condition, described by Hans Asperger in 1944, has been the subject of increasing interest over the past decade. Prevalent in 1 in 300 people and 8 times commoner in males than females, professional consensus places AS at one end of the “autistic spectrum,” but it is not a mild form of autism. Like autism, it involves qualitative impairments in social interaction and social communication, and a restricted repertoire of interests, behaviours, and activities. Unlike with most autism, IQ is average or higher. The complex, sometimes subtle, presentation of the syndrome can cause the individual (and his or her family) untold misery."