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18 Sep 2014, 4:13 pm

Charloz wrote:
JoelFan wrote:
which was awkward for me being 12-13 year old asking his teacher to tie his shoes

Why the hell didn't your parents or guardians get you Velcro then? Would have made life a whole lot easier for you. It's all about being innovative.

I wore velcro until middle school I guess the thought at the time was my folks wanted to give the appearance to others that I wasn't "behind" ahem <Special> I knew that when I was a kid my parents saw other normal kids in the neighborhood playing with others it upset them that I couldn't play with them or join them in their activities. But they tired to ensure me I'm no different from others even tho I acted differently at times... and when I started to mature they made sure that I didn't stick out too much so I went from wearing velcro shoes to shoes with laces sweats to jeans with a belt and t-shits to shirts that were either buttoned down or buttoned collar shirts which to this day I continue to wear so I'm thankful for the push.

"I really wish I was less of a thinking man and more of a fool not afraid of rejection." ~ Billy Joel

Last edited by JoelFan on 19 Sep 2014, 4:30 am, edited 1 time in total.


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18 Sep 2014, 4:54 pm

Since I didn't explain much, I do know what's like to have special needs, even though our needs are on a different scales. I do struggle with a lot of things most people don't even realize or understand. I'm like a little child trapped inside an adult's body. This is how I'll always be. I'll end up with a caregiver or one of those group homes or something. D: I know I can't relate to you or help you limit the embarrassment you feel... but I just want you to remember that you also aren't alone in this either.

Currently diagnosed with Autistic Disorder, ADHD, severe anxiety, learning delays and developmental delays.


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18 Sep 2014, 5:24 pm

I also have dyspraxia...though unable to be a bit more independent is very frustrating for me.



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18 Sep 2014, 11:19 pm

Its a tough label to shake and one I have been trying to shake for all of my life, you have my thoughts. Don't give up and keep trying. Progress will happen, sooner or later, you clearly have the intellect needed to overcome it a lot of it. 14 is young, it is amazing how you mature between 14 and 24.

Babybird, gaining self awareness really bites doesn't it? Hindsight really is 20/20.


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19 Sep 2014, 4:02 am

I can relate this, it is part of the reason I wanted a clean break as an adult because my family simply could not let go of the past and still saw me as the child I was.

Hell there are times I can't do "normal" things that normal people can even now and request my wife do them. She picks out my clothes because I would just throw on whatever, or like making a dentist appointment, she has shown mild annoyance with it sometimes but then again she also has things she just can't or doesn't want to do and tosses them to me. :P


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19 Sep 2014, 4:11 am

I didnt know how to take a shower and dress up and eat on my own i was tired of it and being bullied for it so i started to learn on my own even now years of me doing it alone i still take a very long time to shower and to dress up a simple cloth and i dont eat very well i sit with a hunch back on the ground and eat the food 'like a dog' like some people say about it


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19 Sep 2014, 4:22 am

rapidroy wrote:
Babybird, gaining self awareness really bites doesn't it? Hindsight really is 20/20.


We have existence


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19 Sep 2014, 7:27 am

EzraS wrote:
I have moderate functioning autism and a motor skills problem called dyspraxia. I need to be cared for like a little kid in different ways. Stuff I have trouble managing myself. It's embarrassing to talk about. I need help with taking my shower. My dad needs to adjust the knobs for me and also help me dry my back off. I need help getting dressed in the morning. And this one is really hard to say, sometimes I need help with wiping myself after a bowel movement....sorry hope that's not too gross and TMI. I just feel like such an invalid sometimes. This might as well be a video of my dad having to dress me in the morning to get the job done quickly Click for video

Anyone else have to go through this kinda stuff?

You have shown how smart an intelligent you are and being able to talk so directly about such difficulties you have shown an incredible degree of maturity.

The situation you describe must be very frustrating and I will not attempt to minimise it.

What I will say is you are an individual and not just that your an individual I have a tremendous respect for.

It's wrong to say everybody has talents but most people have a talent.
I would say writing could be yours.

Please do not put yourself down you are not an invalid.


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19 Sep 2014, 9:15 am

Still cannot decide what to wear. I am glad we have Uniforms at the Factory. Eliminates the 3- hour aimless wandering about trying to think what I should wear only to pretty much settle on the same type of outfit. Go Uniforms!


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19 Sep 2014, 7:43 pm

I also have dyspraxia. I did become much more coordinated with age [starting thirties) though. I also continued growing in stature until 38 years old[ almost 3 inches over 18 years,no idea if that is connected or not) and was in my mid to late thirties before developing any significant muscle tone. I still cannot drive, tie my shoes 'weird" and only get right and left correctly about half the time.


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19 Sep 2014, 7:48 pm

InThisTogether wrote:
My son is about your age and still needs help with many things. He only recently learned to tie his shoes and he still looks really awkward when he does it. He can't wear pants with fasteners. He can't ride a bike. He looks really awkward when attempting to do anything sports-related. He breaks things. You know the drill.

I don't really know what to say or do to help either of you feel less embarrassed. If I am honest, if I were in your shoes, I'd probably be embarrassed, too. But the truth is, neither of you can help it. It's not like you don't try or you don't care. I always feel like my son tries way harder than everyone else for less results. That isn't something he should feel embarrassed about. It's something I feel very proud about. He persists, even though it is hard, and even though I think many NT kids wouldn't last a day in his shoes. I bet many NT kids wouldn't last a day in your shoes, either. That is something you can feel proud far you have come. How many things you have overcome. It shows true strength of character, something that many people who have it "easy" will never have.

Thank you. What you said as a mom of a kid like me is very helpful. Thanks everyone else too :heart:

sharkattack wrote:
EzraS wrote:
I have moderate functioning autism and a motor skills problem called dyspraxia. I need to be cared for like a little kid in different ways. Stuff I have trouble managing myself. It's embarrassing to talk about. I need help with taking my shower. My dad needs to adjust the knobs for me and also help me dry my back off. I need help getting dressed in the morning. And this one is really hard to say, sometimes I need help with wiping myself after a bowel movement....sorry hope that's not too gross and TMI. I just feel like such an invalid sometimes. This might as well be a video of my dad having to dress me in the morning to get the job done quickly Click for video

Anyone else have to go through this kinda stuff?

You have shown how smart an intelligent you are and being able to talk so directly about such difficulties you have shown an incredible degree of maturity.

The situation you describe must be very frustrating and I will not attempt to minimise it.

What I will say is you are an individual and not just that your an individual I have a tremendous respect for.

It's wrong to say everybody has talents but most people have a talent.
I would say writing could be yours.

Please do not put yourself down you are not an invalid.

Thanks. Yeah I guess writing is my savant ability. I'm very thankful to be able to communicate and interact in forums.


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19 Sep 2014, 8:49 pm

EzraS wrote:
Thanks. Yeah I guess writing is my savant ability. I'm very thankful to be able to communicate and interact in forums.
I am really thankful for that too Ezra. I am so glad to know you here. You not only bring wisdom and mature understanding here with everything you share but you also bring so much joy, love, and support as well. I love reading your posts and I hope that you will never stop posting. The things that you struggle with physically are difficult and may be embarrassing for you to share but compared to your huge heart and courage and what all the beautiful things you contribute to this community, no one could ever think badly of you for those things. No matter what you need help with we love you and that will never change.

"I'm bad and that's good. I'll never be good and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be than me."

Wreck It Ralph