MishLuvsHer2Boys wrote:
Joined: Oct 09, 2004
Posts: 362
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada
Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 6:17 pm
Post subject:
It went alright could have been better if I
hadn't been sick and the rest of the family
not been sick either.
Mish (Michelle)
SAHM to 2 sons + Self-dx'd AS
Dylan Michael - 2/7/01 (dx'd w/Autism + SPD
+ Oral/Verbal Apraxia + Suspected Hyperlexia)
Brendon Nicholas - 5/21/03 (NT + Advanced)
"Autism.... Go with it, Not against it!"
Cold? Flu? Allergies? What struck you
guys down to make you not feel well?
How am I doing on this survey and communication
thing? I am been trying to take to heart
suggestions given and just asking.
Some sort of viral upper respiratory illness that seems to be going around our province.