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12 Oct 2014, 7:53 am

goldfish21 wrote:
Sodorcitizen wrote:
Since the condition is neurological, i.e the information carrying neurons in the brain, its unlikely that there ever could be a cure, for the simple reason that there is no single 'autistic' neuron, and even if there were, its likely removing it would be fatal, if not extremely degrading. Leaving aside the ethics for a minute. There is no such thing as risk free and there are three major risks to the cure that I can see.

1) seriously degrading a 'low functional' person to the point of brain death,
2) severe, life altering, damage to the brain, likely rendering a person in a vegetative state.
3) degrading a high functioning individual to complete dependency.

Even if the cure was effective, you're not going to be 'you' at the end, your personality goes part in parcel with autism. Remove it, and you become something else, someone else, and I don't mean in sense you learn the Piano or take up hiking, you will be completely different, unrecognizable even. Even if you're still breathing, the person you were before, is for all intents and purposes, dead. A cure for autism would be asking doctors to commit homicide, sometimes philosophically, others literally. And its permanent, lets get that clear, if you kill the neurons, their gone for good, so if you don't like what you've become or what you loved one has turned into.... tough.

This is why in, my mind, the cure movement is so vapid, the only reason for it is so your child can socialize, be popular, in essence. We want to live through our children and we don't care if we kill them to do it, because you know, your child is just meant to be an extension of you, right? I mean its not like their human or anthing nuts like that.

The effects are neurological, but the condition is either caused or exacerbated by digestive issues - not neurological ones.

Concerns 1, 2, & 3 are moot when you treat the digestive issues that effect brain function vs. trying to tinker with the brain directly.

I've reduced my symptoms by more than 95% and I assure you I'm still me - just happier, healthier, more social, not anxious or depressed, more productive, wealthier, better liked etc. I still like the same things, it's just that everything's better. I didn't have to kill myself to do it, either. I just had to be disciplined with my diet & herbal detox/digestive healing protocol.

Nah, it's not to be popular or socialize. It's to be happy & healthy. Any added popularity, social abilities, financial gain etc is all just an added bonus. I'm still human lol but I am living a second life as a happier healthier better version of myself and I'd never go back.

There is not one scientifically proven link between the gut and Autism, I'm sorry the brain is still in effect. I don't know how you arrived at that '95%' mark, but I'm tempted to say placebo effect or that you've outgrown it, forgive me but I am a Skeptic. As for the notion for being happy and healthy as far as I am concerned, you don't need to be able to Socalize for health. The base issue is still in the Brain.

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12 Oct 2014, 10:44 am

Sodorcitizen wrote:

There is not one scientifically proven link between the gut and Autism, I'm sorry the brain is still in effect. I don't know how you arrived at that '95%' mark, but I'm tempted to say placebo effect or that you've outgrown it, forgive me but I am a Skeptic. As for the notion for being happy and healthy as far as I am concerned, you don't need to be able to Socalize for health. The base issue is still in the Brain.

I agree with your criticism's of goldfish's claims, many of the things he says simply crumble at the sound of the word "scrutiny".

I must disagree with your claim about socialising not being necessary for health. There may be some people who can get by without it, but most people's mental health will suffer dramatically without an amount of socialisation. For example:


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12 Oct 2014, 11:15 am

To rid oneself of any disabling and debilitating aspects of Autism - would sound attractive. I' would guess the more one is debilitated and disabled by their autism - the more they may be inclined to want a cure. But, when it comes to having a mind that thinks differently than the neurotypical mind - I really don't want to give that up.

When I was a child I hated being weird. I grew into an adulthood of denial. Now that I'm almost 60 I finally accepted something and finally I feel good about it. To wish I had no autism would be like wishing I was born and raised Chinese. I would not be the same person.

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12 Oct 2014, 11:21 am

goldfish21 wrote:
What if?

I have.

Well, I've reduced symptoms by more than 95% to the point where they are no longer clinically significant and I likely would not receive an Autism diagnosis. I'm still self aware of the traits I do have and they're fairly well manageable. Some of them benefit me quite nicely w/ the way I think, work, do things etc so they're a win for me now.

Well, technically you were never diagnosed in the first place according to your profile. Who is to say that it was never autism and was simply food sensitivities? Sorry, but I think it's a valid question with the way you preach about your diet.


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12 Oct 2014, 1:22 pm

The_Walrus wrote:
Sodorcitizen wrote:

There is not one scientifically proven link between the gut and Autism, I'm sorry the brain is still in effect. I don't know how you arrived at that '95%' mark, but I'm tempted to say placebo effect or that you've outgrown it, forgive me but I am a Skeptic. As for the notion for being happy and healthy as far as I am concerned, you don't need to be able to Socalize for health. The base issue is still in the Brain.

I agree with your criticism's of goldfish's claims, many of the things he says simply crumble at the sound of the word "scrutiny".

I must disagree with your claim about socialising not being necessary for health. There may be some people who can get by without it, but most people's mental health will suffer dramatically without an amount of socialisation. For example:

Quite right, I should have made clear that I meant Physical health, not mental well being, which is equally important. I doubt you can be completely socially isolated, unless your parents are of that Awful breed that choose to do so. I live in a very rural area, but I can still socialize with my immidiat family and guests.


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12 Oct 2014, 3:34 pm

No. I'd be a different person in the same body without AS. Sure, there's symptoms I'd like to have treated (anxiety, sensory problems, exec functioning issues, etc), but I'm eliminating those wouldn't cure my autism.

I don't think it'll ever happen. There might be a genetic test leading to abortion and embryo screening, but that's not a cure, it killing.

If I'm wrong and a cure is discovered in the form of an invasive brain surgery that's deemed safe and effective, it would ideally be a choice. But, I doubt it would be a genuine choice. For too many, a parent/guardian or power of attorney would make the choice. Adults who don't have a power of attorney would be coerced by economic pressures when insurance companies stop funding medications or other therapies.


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12 Oct 2014, 4:31 pm

YarnMonster wrote:
I don't want a cure- I want concession and acceptance. I want the general population to understand autistic me.

I feel the same way. I don't wish to be cured. I wish to be accepted as I am and given the same opportunities as the general population. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

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12 Oct 2014, 8:04 pm

CockneyRebel wrote:
YarnMonster wrote:
I don't want a cure- I want concession and acceptance. I want the general population to understand autistic me.

I feel the same way. I don't wish to be cured. I wish to be accepted as I am and given the same opportunities as the general population. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Same as stated above for me.


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12 Oct 2014, 11:36 pm

I would not take a cure. Autism is no small part of what makes me who I am. Taking that away and changing how I think would be pretty much killing who I am.

Thinking I "need" a cure is like thinking that the person I am now is worth less than an NT version of me.

Standing on the fringes of life... offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor.
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13 Oct 2014, 2:20 am

Sodorcitizen wrote:
goldfish21 wrote:
Sodorcitizen wrote:
Since the condition is neurological, i.e the information carrying neurons in the brain, its unlikely that there ever could be a cure, for the simple reason that there is no single 'autistic' neuron, and even if there were, its likely removing it would be fatal, if not extremely degrading. Leaving aside the ethics for a minute. There is no such thing as risk free and there are three major risks to the cure that I can see.

1) seriously degrading a 'low functional' person to the point of brain death,
2) severe, life altering, damage to the brain, likely rendering a person in a vegetative state.
3) degrading a high functioning individual to complete dependency.

Even if the cure was effective, you're not going to be 'you' at the end, your personality goes part in parcel with autism. Remove it, and you become something else, someone else, and I don't mean in sense you learn the Piano or take up hiking, you will be completely different, unrecognizable even. Even if you're still breathing, the person you were before, is for all intents and purposes, dead. A cure for autism would be asking doctors to commit homicide, sometimes philosophically, others literally. And its permanent, lets get that clear, if you kill the neurons, their gone for good, so if you don't like what you've become or what you loved one has turned into.... tough.

This is why in, my mind, the cure movement is so vapid, the only reason for it is so your child can socialize, be popular, in essence. We want to live through our children and we don't care if we kill them to do it, because you know, your child is just meant to be an extension of you, right? I mean its not like their human or anthing nuts like that.

The effects are neurological, but the condition is either caused or exacerbated by digestive issues - not neurological ones.

Concerns 1, 2, & 3 are moot when you treat the digestive issues that effect brain function vs. trying to tinker with the brain directly.

I've reduced my symptoms by more than 95% and I assure you I'm still me - just happier, healthier, more social, not anxious or depressed, more productive, wealthier, better liked etc. I still like the same things, it's just that everything's better. I didn't have to kill myself to do it, either. I just had to be disciplined with my diet & herbal detox/digestive healing protocol.

Nah, it's not to be popular or socialize. It's to be happy & healthy. Any added popularity, social abilities, financial gain etc is all just an added bonus. I'm still human lol but I am living a second life as a happier healthier better version of myself and I'd never go back.

There is not one scientifically proven link between the gut and Autism, I'm sorry the brain is still in effect. I don't know how you arrived at that '95%' mark, but I'm tempted to say placebo effect or that you've outgrown it, forgive me but I am a Skeptic. As for the notion for being happy and healthy as far as I am concerned, you don't need to be able to Socalize for health. The base issue is still in the Brain.

Yes there is. I've posted links here on this forum to several articles about the gut-brain/autism connection & research into probiotic treatments etc.n Of course the brain is still in effect. Genetics may also be a contributing/required factor, too. But intestinal dysbiosis most certainly exacerbates autism/comorbids - how, exactly, is still up for debate/discovery. Is it a food chemical induced drug trip caused by leaky gut? Is it the effects of some chemical the bacteria produce? A combination of the two, or more, factors? I don't know, but from my experiences I'd say it's a combination.

I arrived at the 95% mark by comparing the intensity/magnitude of my symptoms at their worst vs. how they present & effect my life now. Traits still exist for me, and I have the odd moment where I pick up on my own autistic tendencies in daily life - but they're so minimal compared to what they were a year and a half or so ago. I'd say they're less than 1/20th as bad/intense as they once were, which is why I say I've reduced symptoms by 95%+.

Like I said in the thread in my signature, be skeptical all you want, don't believe me - try what I've done for yourself & find out if it helps you as it has me. Your own experience is far greater than my word.. but my word is that it's not the placebo effect & I didn't outgrow anything. What changed is that I killed off an intestinal bacterial infection, healed my intestinal lining, and consume a lot of probiotics to keep the gut in balance. That's what's changed & what's made all the difference in the world.

While it's debatable about whether or not socializing is necessary for health, there are a whole lot of benefits to life for being able to interact socially better. Career/finances are a pretty important ones. Also, I've experienced improvements in ALL symptoms, not just an improved ability to socialize, so there are plenty of other benefits besides that.

The base issue may be in the brain. Or it may be in the gut. Perhaps the brain develops differently as it's adapting to the gut bacteria/chemicals? Who knows. (Also could be part genetic) But what I do know is that, combined together, these things either cause or exacerbate Autism & many common comorbids.

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13 Oct 2014, 9:28 am

The_Walrus wrote:
I agree with your criticism's of goldfish's claims, many of the things he says simply crumble at the sound of the word "scrutiny".

Which is why I've said, repeatedly, don't take my word for it - try it for yourself.

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13 Oct 2014, 9:34 am

calstar2 wrote:
goldfish21 wrote:
What if?

I have.

Well, I've reduced symptoms by more than 95% to the point where they are no longer clinically significant and I likely would not receive an Autism diagnosis. I'm still self aware of the traits I do have and they're fairly well manageable. Some of them benefit me quite nicely w/ the way I think, work, do things etc so they're a win for me now.

Well, technically you were never diagnosed in the first place according to your profile. Who is to say that it was never autism and was simply food sensitivities? Sorry, but I think it's a valid question with the way you preach about your diet.

I know what I know. I've read the textbooks & lived/experienced my life and it's, well, textbook AS. I've explained before that I never sought an official diagnosis as I didn't want the official documented stigma and any potential negative implications of that, mostly for career purposes. Now my symptoms are minimal and would very likely no longer qualify for a clinical diagnosis - I might have to point out my traits to an expert for them to even notice them. (maybe, sometimes I notice slightly more obvious traits than others depending on what I've been eating, especially the lack of eye contact.)

But, like I've said over and over - don't take my word for it; try it for yourself. If someone/others with official diagnoses have similar results, then there ya go. Further, I'm pretty sure that all of the articles I've cross posted about autism/brain-gut connection and probiotic treatment r&d have been done with people with official diagnoses.

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13 Oct 2014, 9:39 am

r2d2 wrote:
To rid oneself of any disabling and debilitating aspects of Autism - would sound attractive. I' would guess the more one is debilitated and disabled by their autism - the more they may be inclined to want a cure. But, when it comes to having a mind that thinks differently than the neurotypical mind - I really don't want to give that up.

That's pretty much what it's been for me. The debilitating aspects are virtually gone, but I still "think outside the box," and still have visual thinking moments for problem solving etc. I don't think as wildly/philosophically as I once did when salicylate acid levels must have been sky high.. but I definitely still have AS traits and tendencies - they just happen to be pretty much all the positive aspects that allow me to do things differently & better. So far it's working out great for me for work & in life and I personally would not go back to the depression/anxiety/dyspraxia and other negatives.

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13 Oct 2014, 9:43 am

CockneyRebel wrote:
YarnMonster wrote:
I don't want a cure- I want concession and acceptance. I want the general population to understand autistic me.

I feel the same way. I don't wish to be cured. I wish to be accepted as I am and given the same opportunities as the general population. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Aaaah, but if you're not accepted as you are and given the same opportunities as the general population? then isn't something broke that could use fixing?

Your post reminds me of this quote: 'Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.' - Rumi

My point is that we can't expect the entire world to change & bend over backwards to accommodate us. We have to change ourselves to adapt as best as possible to the world around us as ourselves are the only thing we truly have influence and control over - not everyone else and their acceptance of us.

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13 Oct 2014, 9:57 am

I would take the cure. I would just LOVE better social skills.

OK, since I've gone on antidepressants (and also now that I have a boyfriend), I have been much better than I was. Some of my symptoms have lessened, like I can cope better with routine change, and I haven't had an outburst since before I went on antidepressants. Also I have felt that some of my social skills have improved too, and I send out more confident vibes because I feel more confident in myself. That's all good, but I still feel pissed off when I think about Asperger's, because it still affects me in other ways, even though I can mask it even better than I could before. When people have more than 2 kids, and they are all NTs, I always feel miserable for some reason. I just think ''why couldn't I just be NT?''

So I definitely would take the cure, even if it meant I wouldn't be me. I would at least have better social skills (if the cure turned me into a typical NT), and so I will be able to make friends better. Bonus points if the cure turned me into an EXTROVERT NT. But just an average NT will do be perfectly. And I know I will get used to the new me quite quickly.

But, why am I complaining? I have a boyfriend now. But still, it would be nice to be NT.
